





The Three Strangers and Other Stories 9

三个陌生人 9

It was clear that he was not a farm worker, because he was wearing a dark suit, and carried(1) himself like a gentleman. The boy was still wondering, in great surprise, why the man was visiting the Devil's Door at this hour, when suddenly another figure appeared. This second figure was a woman, and when the stranger saw her, he hurried towards her. He met her near the trees, and took her into his arms.


'You have come, Harriet! Thank you!' he cried warmly.


'But not for this,' replied the lady, pulling away from him. She added more kindly, 'I have come, Fred, because you begged me! Why did you ask to see me?'


'Harriet, I have seen many lands and faces since I last walked these hills, but I have only thought of you.'


'Was it only to tell me this that you begged me to meet you, out here on the hills, so late at night?'


'Harriet, be honest with(2) me! I have heard that the Duke is unkind to you.'


'He sometimes gets angry, but he is a good husband.'


'Harriet, dearest, is that really true? Doesn't everybody know that your life with him is a sad one? I have come to find out what I can do. You are a Duchess, and I'm only Fred Ogbourne, but it's still possible that I can help you. By God! The sweetness of your voice should keep him pleasant, especially when the sweetness of your face is added to it!'


'Captain Ogbourne!' she cried, half afraid, half playful. 'You're an old friend — how can you speak to me in this way? Remember I'm a married woman! I was wrong to come, I see that now.'


'You call me Captain Ogbourne,' he replied unhappily, 'but I was always Fred to you before. I think you no longer have any feeling(3) for me. My love for you, Harriet, has not changed at all, but you are a different woman now. I must accept it. I can never see you again.'


'You needn't talk like that, you stupid man. You can see me again — why not? But of course, not like this. It was a mistake of mine to come tonight, and I only did it because the Duke is away at the moment.'


'When does he return?'


'The day after tomorrow, or the day after that.'


'Then meet me again tomorrow night.'


'No, Fred, I cannot.'


'If you cannot tomorrow night, you can the night after. Please let me have one more meeting before he returns, to say goodbye! Now, promise me!' He took the Duchess's hand.


'No, Fred, let go of my hand! It's not kind of you to(4) make me feel sorry for you, and then to keep me here like this!'


'But see me once more! I have come two thousand miles to see you.'




1. carry 表示处于某种姿态或状态


She always carries herself with dignity and grace.


Be proud of yourself. Walk tall and carry your head high!


2. be honest with sb. 对某人实在、诚实


To be honest with you, I don’t like him very much.


I don't think these people are being honest with me.


3. have feelings for sb. 对某人有感觉;对某人有意思


You can tell from the way he/she acts around you if he/she has feelings for you.


Even though they're divorced, it's obvious that they still have (tender) feelings for each other.


4. it's+adj. + of sb. to do sth. 用来形容某人(的特征)


It's kind of you to do so.


  • 仙境兔灵


  • 小小兵121
