



1. confess /kən'fes/ 承认;坦白

2. build /bɪld/ v. 建造 n. 身材

3. reluctant /rɪ'lʌkt(ə)nt/ 不情愿的, 勉强的


1. He confessed that he had done wrong.

2. He was a man of heavier build than the Captain, and was wearing riding boots.

3. He had been too far away to hear their conversation and the lady's reluctant words.


1. When Fred asked Harriet to see him once more, she refused at first because _____.
A. she had no feelings for Fred
B. the Duke would discover it
C. people would talk

2. What things did Harriet confess to Fred?
A. She still loved Fred and she often thought of the time when she loved him.
B. Her husband was unkind to her.
C. She didn't love the Duke at all and wanted to divorce him.

3. What did Fred do after Harriet left?
A. He turned and walked away. 
B. He followed her to Shakeforest Towers.
C. He went back into the trees and came out again with his horse.

4. Did the boy understand the relationship between the Captain and the Duchess at that time?
A. Yes, he did.
B. No, he didn't.
C. Not given.

5. What happened to the sheep and lambs?
A. There were two new lambs and one of the mothers was half dead.
B. The two new lambs were dead.
C. Nothing happened and everything was normal.



1. 题目问的是“当弗雷德请求哈丽雅特再见自己一面时,她一开始拒绝了,为什么?”,根据原文,哈丽雅特拒绝是因为人们会说闲话的(对应原文:'Oh, I must not! People will talk. Don't ask it of me!')。故选C。

2. 题目问的是“哈丽雅特向弗雷德承认了什么事情?”,根据原文,哈丽雅特承认自己过去的确爱弗雷德,还有就是丈夫对她不好(对应原文:'Then confess two things to me: that you did love me once, and that your husband is unkind to you often enough to make you think of the time when you loved me.' 'Yes, I confess them both,' she answered quietly.)。故选B。

3. 题目问的是“哈丽雅特离开后,弗雷德做了什么?”,根据原文,弗雷德看着她急匆匆地朝山下的家——舍克弗洛斯特城堡跑去,接着,他也转身离去了(对应原文:He set her free, and watched her hurry down the hill towards her home, Shakeforest Towers. Then he turned and walked away. In a few minutes all was silent and empty again.)。故选A。

4. 题目问的是“小男孩当时明白上尉和公爵夫人的关系了吗?”,根据原文,很显然他看到了上尉和公爵夫人的会面过程,但在他看来,他们俨然是一对情侣,直到几年后,年齿渐长的男孩才想明白了当时的情形(对应原文:It was clear that he had watched the meeting between the Captain and the Duchess. He had been too far away to hear their conversation and the lady's reluctant words, so to him they had the appearance of lovers. But several more years passed before the boy was old enough to understand this.)。故选B。

5. 题目问的是“羊群和羊羔发生了什么事?”,根据原文,外面有两头母羊刚刚生了小羊羔,一头母羊快死了(对应原文:The old shepherd spoke angrily. 'Well, that's where ye're wrong. There are two new lambs out there, born just this minute, and one of the mothers is half dead!)。故选A。

