



1. politeness /pəˈlaɪtnɪs/ 有礼貌的行为

2. musical /'mjuːzɪk(ə)l/ 音乐的;悦耳的

3. except /ɪk'sept/  除…外


1. The little man did not seem at all afraid, and to everyone's surprise agreed with great politeness to go back to the shepherd's cottage.

2. He's tall and thin, with a deep, musical voice.

3. I was too frightened to do anything except turn and run away.


1. How did the little man react when the policeman told him that he would be arrested?
A. He was terrified.
B. He was calm.
C. He was surprised.

2. According to the description of the policeman, which of the following words was true about the prisoner?
A. He looked fierce and cruel.
B. He was tall and strong.
C. He had a deep, musical voice.

3. What was the crime of that little man?
A. He escaped from the prison.
B. The prisoner was his brother.
C. He stole a sheep.

4. When the stranger who sat by the fire looked at the little man, what did he want to express?
A. Don't tell them who I am, or I'll die!
B. Run! Now!
C. Call the police!

5. Those shepherds and farm workers appreciated _____ of the stranger who sat by the fire.
A. the courage of stealing a sheep
B. the wonderful coolness
C. the wisdom and the career



1. 题目问的是“当警察说要逮捕小个子男人时候,他作何反应?”,根据原文,小个子男人看起来一点都不害怕,更令大家惊讶的是,他很礼貌地同意回到牧羊人的小屋去(对应原文:The little man did not seem at all afraid, and to everyone's surprise agreed with great politeness to go back to the shepherd's cottage.)。故选B。

2. 题目问的是“根据警察的形容,以下关于犯人的说法哪一项是正确的?”,根据原文,犯人又高又瘦,嗓音低沉悦耳(对应原文:'I don't know,' said the prison officer. 'But our prisoner is very different. He's tall and thin, with a deep, musical voice.')。故选C。

3. 题目问的是“小个子男人的过错是什么?”,根据原文,小个子男人说自己唯一的过错就是,那个犯人是他兄弟(对应原文:The little man now spoke to the judge for the first time. 'Sir,' he said, 'I must explain. I've done nothing wrong — my only crime is that the prisoner is my brother.)。故选B。

4. 题目问的是“坐在壁炉边的男人看向小个子男人时,他想要表达什么?”,根据原文,小个子男人的兄弟看了他一眼,是在说‘别告诉他们我是谁,不然我就死定了!’(对应原文:My brother looked at me, and I knew he meant, "Don't tell them who I am, or I'll die!" I was too frightened to do anything except turn and run away.')。故选A。

5. 题目问的是“牧羊人们和农场共很欣赏那个坐在壁炉边男人的什么?”,根据原文,他们很欣赏在牧羊人家的聚会上,他坐在刽子手旁边时所表现出的沉着冷静(对应原文:they liked the wonderful coolness that he showed, when sitting next to the hangman at the shepherd's party.)。故选B。

