(Level 2)-Day_76 Babies

(Level 2)-Day_76 Babies





1.puckered 撅起

2.flutter 颤振

3.whimper 呜咽

4.dimples 酒窝

5.wrinkled 有皱纹的

6.damp 湿润的

7.limb 肢

8.innocence 纯真

9.tickled 挠痒痒

10.crawling 爬

11.whine 发牢骚

12.cherish 爱护



My baby is asleep in my arms.

Her soft cheek rests against my chestwhile her sweet breath puffs gently on my skin.

Her tiny lips are puckered a bit.

Her little eyelids flutter.

I wonder what she dreams about as she sleeps.

Does she dreamI have heard her whimper in her sleep.

Sometimes she awakens with a scream.

What is so scary in her little baby dreams

Once I heard her giggle as slept.

Her dreams must have been sweet that day.

I have had three babies.

The one I am holding now is my last one.

My other babies are grown up more and now at school.

I love their childish play are laughter.

I miss their baby dimples and their baby sounds and smells.

There is such joy in the birth of a new baby.

We hear their first little crytelling us all is with their small world

We feel their newborn skinwrinkledsoft and slightly damp.

We feel each little limb and are filled with wonder and humanity.

Life is good as baby take its first food from its mother.

Family gather groundeach waiting to hold and love this newest member.

Each time the baby criesits mom worriesand their bond become stronger.

Babies have their own special smell.

Some have described it asmilk and innocence.

It is the sweetest smile in the worldI think.

It cannot be copied.

Somehowit disappears as baby grows.

I love to hear my baby talk.

Once in a whileI can even understand a little bit.

She is so serious in her baby talk that I just have to pick her up and hug her.

I love to hear her sayMommy.

When my baby is tickledor when the dog or her big brothers do something funnyit is so sweet to hear her baby laugh.

It's such a cute little giggle

Sometimes she laughs so hardher face turns redtears come to her eyesand she falls down weak with the laughter.

Those who watch her can't help but laughtoo.

I hope she always laughs so easily.

The parents watch with pride and joy as baby grows and has many first.

There is the first time baby sleeps through the nightrolls oversmileslaughshugs and kisses.

Then there is the first toothcrawlingfirst step and first word.

With each new firstthe baby becomes less a baby.

These steps are a little sad to parentstoobecause they know they'relosing their baby.

Howeverto a mothereven an adult child is still her baby.

My baby is not perfect.

Sometimes she gets mad or whine for no reason.

Butto meshe is still beautiful.

Her smiles more than make up for her tears.

Her hugs wipe away when she's been bad.

I intend to cherish each moment with my baby while I can

  • 1391618wumn

    My baby is not perfect. Sometimes she gets mad or wines for no reason, but to me, she is still beautiful. 请教这里wines要如何理解呢?

    阿坑是个坑 回复 @1391618wumn: 是whine,文稿是对的,字幕错了,依旧修改

  • DBQ4738

    I wonder what she dreams about as she sleeps.

    阿坑是个坑 回复 @DBQ4738: 这两句好像是和原文一样的,哪里有问题吗

  • DBQ4738

    Her tiny lips are puckered a bit.

    阿坑是个坑 回复 @DBQ4738: 这两句好像是和原文一样的,哪里有问题吗

  • 专注持续不放弃


    专注持续不放弃 回复 @专注持续不放弃: mami mami mami

  • 殳叒


  • 听友493018581

    sometimes she gets mad or whines 这里有个s

  • 听友456246347
