(Level 2)-Day_75 More Music

(Level 2)-Day_75 More Music





1.trombone 长号

2.clarinet 单簧管

3.flute 长笛

4.viola 中提琴

5.duets 二重奏


More Music

I like music.

I have always liked music.

Even when I was very youngI liked music.

I like to listen to itand to make it.

When I was a young girllistening to nice music sometimes would make me cry

That was seem sillybut the music was so pretty that I cried

As I grew olderI started to take piano lessons.

I was not very good at firstbut after a while I got better.

Alsoas I grew olderI started to take violin lessons.

I did not sound very good at all at firstbut I improved.

When I was a teenager in high schoolI made sure I had music classes every year.

Those were the classes I enjoyed most of all.

Every one loved musicany we had a lot of fun.

I started to take private singing lessons while I was in high schooltoo.

I also sang in the choirplayed in a band and acted in plays in high school.

The plays were all musicalsso I got to sing and dance and enjoy music that the way also.

It was so much fun pretending to be other people

When I finish high schoolI went to university to learn how to be a music teacher.

That was a lot of fun because every day I was with other people who loved music as much as I do.

Mostly I played the pianobut I also learned how to play the drumsa saxophonea trombonea French horna clarineta flutewhich I really was not very good atand a viola.

I took more singing lessonstoo.

We did not have plays to sing and act inbut I sang in the university choir.

Some years I played the piano for other students who were learning other instruments.

One yearI played duets with another girl who was also there to play piano.

She and I made sure we played fastfunny songsso we really enjoyed ourselves doing it.

Now I am a music teacher.

I do not have a lot of studentsas many as I used to have anyway.

I still find it very rewarding.

I like to see people who start off not knowing very muchif anythingand go on to be very good at creating music.

I still love listening to music also.

Music makes me happy when I am sad.

It makes me want to dance or sing when I am already happy.

Mostlymusic just makes me glad that I am me and that music is alive in me.

  • dander2000

    but I improved. 少个am

    阿坑是个坑 回复 @dander2000: improved就是动词吧

  • 王森祺

    but I also learned how to play the drums,saxophone,a trombone,a French horn,a clarinet,a flute,which I really was not very good at,and a viola. saxophone前面少了a

    阿坑是个坑 回复 @王森祺: 字幕问题,已修改

  • 小燕爱花花


  • HaroldWANG

    1分46秒,应该是act in

  • 听友203212561


  • Avrola
