(Level 2)-Day_78 Why Do I Like Mathematics?

(Level 2)-Day_78 Why Do I Like Mathematics?





1.conflict 冲突

2.triangle 三角形

3.formula 公式

4.square 平方

5.alternatively 有选择的

6.pattern 模式


Why Do I Like Mathematics

Sometime there is a problem in life that has no answer.

Perhaps a child has trouble learning.

Perhaps someone becomes ill.

Perhaps there was lovebut now there is conflict.

These problems are hard to solve.

There is no single answer.

Many people have opinions on what is the best answer.

But in mathematics there is an answera single answer that is right.

There is no doublethere is no argumentthis answer is right.

If we askWhat is five plus seven? ”.

The answer is twelve.

If we askHow do you raise a child?”.

The answer would depend on the child and the parents.

Sometimes there will be more than one way to reach an answer.

Imagine we want to find the area of a triangle.

The triangle has a right anglethe two sides surrounding the right angle are 20mm and 30mm.

The formula for the area of a triangle is one half of base)(height.

We could consider the 20mm as the base and the 30mm as the height.

We could consider the 30mm as the base and the 20mm as the height.

Both ways would produce the same answer.

The area is 300 square mm.

Alternativelywe could consider the base as the third side of the triangleand then we would have to draw a height and measure it.

The height would be neither 20 nor 30.

But still we would end with the same answer.

In maththe answer does not change.

Another way I like math is the way it brings order.

There can be a whole set of numbers or a whole set of measurements that means nothing until mathematics organizes them into a pattern.

An average number can be foundgraphs can be drawnthe spread of the numbers or the probabilities of a certain number happening can be calculated.

This is like having a whole lot of dirty dishes after supper.

Applying math is like washing and sorting the dishes and putting them back into the cupboard.

Math is a powerful tool.

Math should be our friendsand we will find more ways to use it to better our lives.

  • 听友184856259


    阿坑是个坑 回复 @听友184856259: 可以听一下句子,从简单听得懂的开始

  • 开心的小丸子


  • 小燕爱花花


  • 虾饺吞了凤爪


  • 开心的小丸子


  • 红薯土豆老王


  • 听友456246347


  • 1391618wumn

    Applying math is like washing and sowing/soaring the dishes and putting them back into the cupboard. 这里应该是sorting