


Be vigilant to ugly side of 'beauty' industry

①Want your calves to be thinner and sleeker without doing exercise? Some people choose to receive calf reduction surgery, which involves cutting nerves that control the calf muscles. With the muscles receiving fewer signals to flex, the lower leg muscles begin to atrophy and reduce in size.

②The term "calf neurectomy" has become a hot topic online recently, with some customers and aesthetic medicine institutes promoting the surgery by showing photos of those "thinner" legs.

③The surgery was soon criticized by doctors, who claimed that selective nerve blocking can cause exhaustion while walking and prevent people from doing strenuous exercises such as jumping and running.

④Various aesthetic messages on social media platforms are affecting the new generation of young people in the information era, New words like A4 waist, cold white skin and chopstick legs are constantly being created to tell people what beauty is. These simple and singular aesthetic standards have promoted the term "appearance anxiety" to become a hot topic.

⑤According to media reports, China in 2020 witnessed the establishment of 5,150 new cosmetic surgery institutions, and the cosmetic surgery market reached 197.5 billion yuan ($30.5 billion), accounting for 17 percent of the world's total. 

