

【How to win friends and influence people - 162】
"By asking questions in a very friendly, cooperative spirit, and
insisting continually that they were right in laying out boards not
satisfactory to their purpose, I got him warmed up, and the strained
relations between us began to thaw and melt away. An occasional
carefully put remark on my part gave birth to the idea in his mind
that possibly some of these rejected pieces were actually within the
grade that they had bought, and that their requirements demanded
a more expensive grade. I was very careful, however, not to let him
think I was making an issue of this point.
"Gradually his whole attitude changed. He finally admitted to me that
he was not experienced on white pine and began to ask me
questions about each piece as it came out of the car, I would explain
why such a piece came within the grade specified, but kept on
insisting that we did not want him to take it if it was unsuitable for
their purpose. He finally got to the point where he felt guilty every
time he put a piece in the rejected pile. And at last he saw that the
mistake was on their part for not having specified as good a grade as
they needed.
"The ultimate outcome was that he went through the entire carload
again after I left, accepted the whole lot, and we received a check in
