

【How to win friends and influence people - 160】
"I am convinced now that nothing good is accomplished and a lot of
damage can be done if you tell a person straight out that he or she is
wrong. You only succeed in stripping that person of self-dignity and
making yourself an unwelcome part of any discussion."
Let's take another example - and remember these cases I am citing
are typical of the experiences of thousands of other people. R. V.
Crowley was a salesman for a lumber company in New York. Crowley
admitted that he had been telling hard-boiled lumber inspectors for
years that they were wrong. And he had won the arguments too. But
it hadn't done any good. "For these lumber inspectors," said Mr.
Crowley, "are like baseball umpires. Once they make a decision, they
never change it,"
Mr. Crowley saw that his firm was losing thousands of dollars
through the arguments he won. So while taking my course, he
resolved to change tactics and abandon arguments. With what
results? Here is the story as he told it to the fellow members of his
"One morning the phone rang in my office. A hot and bothered
person at the other end proceeded to inform me that a car of lumber
we had shipped into his plant was entirely unsatisfactory. His firm
had stopped unloading and requested that we make immediate
arrangements to remove the stock from their yard. After about one fourth of the car had been unloaded, their lumber inspector reported
that the lumber was running 55 percent below grade. Under the
circumstances, they refused to accept it.
