


Part A  Questions and Answers

1. Why did the White Queen scream?        

2. Who was the shopkeeper in the shop where Alicebought an egg?

3. Who were Haigha and Hatta?

4. How old was the White Queen?

5. What were the Lion and the Unicorn fighting for?

Part B  Spelling

Part C   True or False

1. Humpty Dumpty thought ‘Alice’ was a stupid name.

2. When Alice saw Humpty Dumpty, he was sitting on a horse.

3. The Red Knight’s helmet was in the shape of a horse’s head.

4. The Red Queen introduced Alice to the meat.

5. The black kitten spoke to Alice at the end of the story.

Part D  Translation

1. Alice found herself walking beside a large lake, with tall green plants growing round the edge.

2. It's my crown that they're fighting about!

3. The Unicorn looked amused, and then tried to argue with the Lion about who was winning the fight.

4. After a while the noise of the drums slowly died away and everything became silent.

5. The waiters put a large joint of meat in front of Alice.

Part A
1. Because she cut her finger.
2. A sheep. 
3.The king’s messengers. 
5.The King’s crown.

Part B knit, repeat, battle, mouthful, accidentally
Part D 
1. 爱丽丝发现自己在一个大湖边散步,湖边长着高大的绿色植物。
2. 他们为争夺我的王冠斗了起来!
3. 独角兽显得很高兴,然后他便与狮子争论谁会赢得这场打斗。
4. 过了一会儿,鼓声慢慢消失,万籁俱寂。
5. 男侍把一大块腿肉放在爱丽丝前面。

  • 大博88


  • 将心比心_ibe
