


Part A  Questions and Answers

1. Where did Kev and Anna come from?           

2. Who came to see Alan twice at the hospital and asked him questions?

3. Why did Kev and Anna become terrorists?

4. Who did Jane kill?

5. What did the police find in Jane’s flat?

Part B  Spelling

Part C  True or False

1. Alan said he was alone when he visited the horse called Sandman.

2. Alan Cole went with the policewoman in a small plane to find Jane. 

3. Anna chased Jane into an underground station.

4. Jane fought with Kev and threw hot coffee in his face.     

5. Jane’s mother lived in Ireland.   

Part D  Translation

1. Alan heard a scream, which was suddenly cut off. 

2. There was an icy fear in Jane's stomach. 

3. It seems strange for her to go out without her keys, doesn't it?

4. I haven't said a word to anyone. I promise you, Anna.

5. Halfway down the escalator she looked back up behind her.



Part A

1. Ireland.
2. Detective Hall.
3.Because they wanted to free Ireland.
4.Kev and Anna.
5.Her bag and keys.

Part B  confess, inform, promise, electric, shaky


Part D 

1. 阿兰听见一声尖叫,它又嘎然而止。
2. 简感到恐惧像冰一般袭上心头。
3. 她出门不带钥匙是有点儿怪,是不是?
4. 我什么也没对任何人讲。我向你保证,安娜。
5. 半路上,她回头往上边看了看。

  • 可美了_ls

  • 将心比心_ibe


  • 大博88