


Part A  Questions and Answers

1. Why did Shepherd Fennel invite his friends to a party?

2. How many strangers visited Shepherd Fennel’s house on the night of the party?

3. Who did the Duke kill?     

4. What had the man who escaped from Casterbridge prison done?

5. Who was the third visitor to Shepherd Fennel’s house?

Part B  Spelling

Part C  True or False

1. The shepherd’s wife was happy for people to drink her mead.

2. The prisoner was never found.

3. Fred Ogbourne was the Duchess’s brother-in-law.

4. The Devil’s Door was a group of trees.

5. The shepherd boy saw the Duchess and Fred Ogbourne at night.

Part D  Translation

1. There was no road, just two footpaths which crossed in front of the cottage door.

2. He was several years older, with greying hair and a full, reddish face.

3. I can't arrest a man without my uniform on.

4. When I got there, I saw he was no longer the boy that I remembered, but a full-grown man and an officer.

5. He tried bravely not to think of what lay behind the Devil's Door, but without much success. 

Part A
1. Because he had a new baby.
2. Three.
3. Fred Ogbourne.
4. He stole a sheep.
5. The prisoner’s brother.  

Part B appearance, discuss, leaf, musical, reluctant


Part D 

1. 这里没有大路,仅有两条小径在小屋门前交会。
2. 他比第一个人大几岁,头发灰白,红光满面。 
3. 我不穿制服就不能逮捕人。
4. 当我到那儿的时候,发现他已不再是我印象中的那个男孩了。他已长大成人,当上了军官。
5. 他勇敢地试图不去想“魔鬼之门”后面躺着什么东西,但不太管用。

  • 大博88


  • 将心比心_ibe
