


Part A  Questions and Answers

1. What was above the fireplace?  

2. What color were the chessmen in the looking-glass world?

3. Why did Alice leave the looking-glass room?

4. What could Tiger-lily and the other flowers do?

5. When the train jumped suddenly, what did Alice take hold of?

Part B  Spelling

Part C  True or False

1. The white kitten began Alice’s adventure.

2. On the train, the ticket inspector’s time cost a thousand pounds a minute.

3. Tweedledee’s poem was very short.

4. When Alice picked the White Queen up, the Queen thought it was an explosion. 

5. The looking-glass room was more untidy than the normal room.

Part D  Translation

1. The glass was beginning to disappear, just like a bright silvery cloud.

2. When she put him down on the table, he immediately fell flat on his back and lay still.

3. Curtsy while you're thinking what to say.

4. Frightened, she caught at the thing nearest to her hand, which happened to be the Goat's beard.

5. How do you begin a conversation with people that you have just been dancing with?

Part A
1. A mirror.
2. White and red.
3.Because she wanted to go to the garden.
4.They could talk.
5.The Goat’s beard.

Part B pretend, bright, impossible, circle, employ
Part D 
1. 镜子开始消失,就像银光闪闪的一朵云。
2. 她把国王放到了桌面上。他马上仰面平躺,一动不动。
3. 在考虑下一句该讲什么时,行个屈膝礼。
4. 她惊恐万状,随手抓住离她最近的一个东西,凑巧是山羊的胡子。
5. 如何开始同刚刚与你跳过舞的人谈话呢?

