



1. fasten /'fɑːs(ə)n/ 系紧,拴牢

2. pin /pɪn/ 别针

3. manage /'mænɪdʒ/ 管理;设法


1. 'When I fasten my shawl again,' the Queen said unhappily, 'one of the pins will come out. '

2. The pin had already gone deep into the Queen's finger.

3. The Queen went flying after it, and managed to catch it.


1. How did the Queen cut her hand?
A. She got her finger pricked by the needle when she was knitting a sweater.
B. The pin of her shawl went deep into her finger when she tried to take hold of it.
C. The branch of the tree cut her finger when she was walking in the wood.

2. The Queen didn't scream when she hurt her finger because _____.
A. she had done all the screaming before
B. she didn't feel the pain
C. she was embarrassed to do that in front of Alice

3. For Alice, it was very difficult to believe that _____.
A. life can happen backwards
B. nobody can believe impossible things
C. the Queen tried to believe impossible things

4. Which of the following statements was true about the Queen's childhood?
A. She couldn't talk herself into believing impossible things.
B. She could only believe one impossible thing before breakfast.
C. She tried to believe impossible things for an hour a day.

5. What could be inferred from the text?
A. Alice was convinced by the Queen and decided to believe impossible things.
B. The Queen lost her shawl every day.
C. The sheep in the shop was knitting the Queen's woolly coat.



1. 题目问的是“王后是怎么割伤手指的?“,根据原文,一只别针脱落下来王后快速把它抓住,想重新把它固定住,却抓错了方向被割伤了手指(对应原文:'When I fasten my shawl again,' the Queen said unhappily, 'one of the pins will come out and ― oh, oh!' As she said the words, one of her shawl pins came undone and she quickly took hold of it, trying to fasten it again.  'Take care!' cried Alice. 'You're holding it wrong!' She tried to help the Queen, but it was too late ― the pin had already gone deep into the Queen's finger.)。故选B。

2. 题目问的是“为什么王后在伤到手指时没有叫喊?”,根据原文,王后说自己已经叫喊过了,没有必要再喊一遍(对应原文:'But why don't you scream now?' Alice asked, holding her hands ready to put over her ears again. 'I've done all the screaming already,' said the Queen. 'Why do it all again?')。故选A。

3. 题目问的是“对于爱丽丝来说,什么事情难以置信?”,根据原文,对于爱丽丝来说,事情可以倒过来发生,令人难以置信(对应原文:'It's very difficult to believe,' Alice said, 'that life can happen backwards.')。故选A。

4. 题目问的是“以下关于王后小时候的说法,哪一项是正确的?”,根据原文,王后小时候每天花一小时来相信不可能的事。有时早餐前共相信多达六件这样的事(对应原文:'Perhaps you don't work hard enough at it,' said the Queen. 'When I was a child, I worked at it for an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. There goes my shawl again!')。故选C。

5. 题目问的是“从原文中可以推断出什么?”,根据原文,王后身披着一件厚厚的毛外衣,而后来爱丽丝面前确实是一只绵羊在织毛衣,根据事情可以倒过来发生的规律,此时这个绵羊正在织王后的毛外衣(对应原文:And indeed, the Queen was now covered in a thick woolly coat, and... Alice closed her eyes, then opened them again. She couldn't understand what had happened at all. The wood had disappeared, and she was in a little dark shop ― and it really was a sheep in front of her, wearing large glasses and sitting calmly on a chair, knitting.)。故选C。

