Just change your mindset 改变你的想法

Just change your mindset 改变你的想法


You take a seed and throw it on the concrete. Don't put no dirt on it and watch what happens. See, you get tripped out 'cause you got dirt on you, but you need dirt on you to develop.



Because dirt ain't just dirt. Dirt is fertilizer. Dirt is nutrients. Dirt gives you the strength for your seed to push through, so you gotta have dirt on you to push through something. Everything you see is beautiful, starts out as a seed, but that seed gotta get dirt on it.



So you get mad when haters come your way. You get mad 'cause you get a setback. You get mad 'cause you get thrown off course. You get mad 'cause you get a detour. That's just dirt. You get mad 'cause they talking about you. That's dirt. You get mad 'cause you lost your momma. That's dirt.



I want you to think about all the bad moments you had that looked like you weren’t gonna make it. And then I want you to ask yourself, well why did I make it? Just change your mindset. If you change your attitude, you change your altitude.


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