





The Three Strangers and Other Stories 20

三个陌生人 20

3 Baptista gets married

3  结婚

That same afternoon Charles Stow and Baptista Trewthen travelled by train to the town of Trufal. Charles was, surprisingly, very careful of appearances, and found a room for Baptista in a different house from where he was staying. On Sunday they went to church and then walked around the town, on Monday Charles made the arrangements, and by nine o'clock on Tuesday morning they were husband and wife.


For the first time in her life Baptista had gone against(1) her parents' wishes. She went cold with fear when she thought of their first meeting with her new husband. But she felt she had to tell them as soon as possible(2), and now the most important thing was to get home to St Maria's. So, in a great hurry, they packed their bags and caught the train to Pen-zephyr.


They arrived two hours before the boat left, so to pass the time they decided to walk along the cliffs a little way. It was a hot summer day, and Charles wanted to have a swim in the sea. Baptista did not like the idea of(3) sitting alone while he swam. 'But I'll only be a quarter of an hour,' Charles said, and Baptista passively accepted this.


She sat high up on the cliffs, and watched him go down a footpath, disappear, appear again, and run across the beach to the sea. She watched him for a moment, then stared out to sea, thinking about her family. They were probably not worried about her, because she had sometimes missed the boat before, but they were expecting her to arrive today and to marry David Heddegan tomorrow. 'How angry father will be!' she thought miserably. 'And mother will say I've made a terrible mistake! I almost wish I hadn't married Charles, in that moment of madness! Oh dear, what have I done!'


This made her think of her new husband, and she turned to look for him. He did not appear to be in the sea any more, and she could not see him on the beach. By this time she was frightened, and she climbed down the path as quickly as her shaking legs could manage(4). On the beach she called two men to help her, but they said they could see nothing at all in the water. Soon she found the place where Charles had left his clothes, but by now the sea had carried them away.


For a few minutes she stood there without moving. There was only one way to explain this sudden disappearance — her husband had drowned. And as she stood there, it began to seem like a terrible dream, and the last three days of her life with Charles seemed to disappear. She even had difficulty(5) in remembering his face. 'How unexpected it was, meeting him that day!' she thought. 'And the wedding did I really agree to it? Are we really married? It all happened so fast!'





1. go against 违反,违背


He was reluctant to go against his parents' wishes.


If something goes against my principles, then I can't agree.


2. as soon as possible 尽快


I need the money as soon as possible.


You'll get informed as soon as possible.


3. the idea of doing sth. 做某事的想法


The idea of having a holiday really fancies me.


I had the idea of asking Katie for help.

我想找 Katie 帮帮忙。

4. manage 成功做到,管理


We somehow managed to persuade him.


The teacher is able to manage a class well.


5. have difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难


Do you have difficulty getting up?


You might have difficulty finding the right answer.


  • cherry_123

    今日词汇总结: 1. go against 违反,违背 2. as soon as possible 尽快 3. the idea of doing sth. 做某事的想法 4. manage 成功做到,管理 5. have difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难

  • 将心比心_ibe


    侯可心 回复 @将心比心_ibe: 太绝了

  • Sophie伦敦

  • 梦游的白菜


  • talily


    徐晶77 回复 @talily: 520

  • 听友81030329


  • 听友81030329

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  • 听友81030329
