这期节目我们有幸连线到了Eric Maisel博士, 他是美国著名的心理健康专家, 擅长研究心理,创造力与人生幸福的主题。他在这些领域有超过50本著作, 其中包括畅销书《禅意十秒》《找到内心的艺术家》《反思抑郁》《梵高蓝调》等,被誉为全美全才心理学家。
Author of more than 50 books on creativity, mental health and critical psychology, Eric Maisel is quite an expert in this field. Although retired, Maisel still gets up at 5am and works 8 hours straight every day to keep his creativity flowing.
“There is no retirement for a creative person, because that’s one of the ways we make meaning,” Maisel, who’s also blogged for Psychology Today and runs writing workshops across the world, told us.
He is at the forefront of the movement to rethink mental health and has been devoted to helping people create meaning and seize opportunity in life.
“Even the greatest artists only have some masterpieces and a lot of ordinary work. We have to get a very clear picture that mistakes and messes and failures and disappointments, and all of that is coming. That’s a mature, creative position.”
His most recent books include “Redesign Your Mind,” “The Power of Daily Practice,” “Unleashing the Artist Within” and “Why Smart People Hurt.”