30. Piano Player(巩固训练)

30. Piano Player(巩固训练)


30. Piano Player

Donald plays the piano. He loves the piano. He has a big piano in his living room. His piano is shiny and black. It has three legs. He sits on a bench to play the piano. The bench has four legs. His piano has 88 keys. The keys are black and white. Donald has ten fingers. His ten fingers play music on the 88 piano keys. The piano also has three pedals. Donald uses his two feet on the three pedals. He uses both of his hands and both of his feet to play the piano. He also uses both of his eyes to play the piano.



Donald 唐纳德

living room 客厅 ; 起居室

shiny 光亮的 ; 锃亮的 ; 反光的 ; 有光泽的

sits 坐 ; 使坐 ; 使就座 ; 处在 ; 坐落在 ; 被放在 ; sit的第三人称单数

play the piano 弹钢琴

black and white 白纸黑字,黑白片,单色

play music 播放音乐

pedals 脚蹬子,踏板 ; 踏板,踏瓣,脚踏键 ; 骑自行车 ; 踩踏板 ; pedal的第三人称单数和复数

both of 两者都 ; 两个 ; 两个都


I am practicing drawing. I practice drawing every Saturday and Sunday. My teacher shows me new things. I know how to draw people, animals, and objects now. I always want to get better, so I practice every day. My parents always tell me that I am a good artist. They think I can do it as a job.



practicing 练习 ; 实习 ; 实行 ; practice的现在分词

drawing 图画 ; 素描画 ; 绘画 ; 制图 ; 画,描绘,描画 ; 拖 ; 拉 ; 牵引 ; 拉,拖 ; 吸引,使感兴趣 ; draw的现在分词

know how 懂得如何做 ; 能

draw 画,描绘,描画 ; 拖 ; 拉 ; 牵引 ; 拉,拖 ; 吸引,使感兴趣 ; 抽彩 ; 抽奖 ; 抽签 ; 平局 ; 和局 ; 不分胜负

objects 物体 ; 物品 ; 东西 ; 对象 ; 宗旨 ; 目的 ; 目标 ; 不同意 ; 不赞成 ; 反对 ; 提出…作为反对的理由 ; 抗辩说 ; object的第三人称单数和复数

want to 应该

get better 得到好转

every day 每日


It is a sunny day. She feels hot. She fans herself with a book. It is still hot. She turns on the air conditioner. It is still hot. She jumps into a pool. It is still hot. Her dad has an idea! He takes her to the ice cream shop. They share a banana split. She does not feel hot anymore.



sunny 阳光充足的 ; 欢乐的 ; 快乐的

feels 觉得 ; 感到 ; 体会到 ; 注意到,意识到,感觉到 ; 感觉到 ; feel的第三人称单数

herself 她自己,自己 ; 强调句中的女性主语或宾语

on the air 播送 ; 播放/停止播放

conditioner 护发剂 ; 护发素 ; 柔顺剂

jumps 跳 ; 跃 ; 跳跃 ; 跳过 ; 跃过 ; 跨越 ; 快速移动 ; 突然移动 ; jump的第三人称单数

ice cream 冰激凌

banana split 香蕉圣代,香蕉船

does not 不 ; 不是 ; 否定就用

anymore 再;再也


He has a test tomorrow. He does not want to study. Instead, he plays video games. The next day, he takes the test. It is very hard. He does not know anything. He turns in his test blank. The teacher scolds him and gives him an "F."

他明天有一场考试。他不想学习。相反,他玩电子游戏。第二天,他参加了考试。这是很难的。他什么都不知道。他交上了空白的试卷。老师骂了他,给了他一个 "F"。


tomorrow 在明天 ; 在明日 ; 明天 ; 明日 ; 未来 ; 将来 ; 来日

does not 不 ; 不是 ; 否定就用

want to 应该

video games 电子游戏 ; video game的复数

next day 次日;第二天

very hard 非常困难

turns 转动,旋转 ; 转身 ; 扭转 ; 翻转 ; 翻动 ; 把…翻过来 ; turn的第三人称单数

test blank 空白试卷

scolds 训斥,责骂 ; scold的第三人称单数


Helen wants to do well on the math test tomorrow. She takes out her book and studies. Her brother then comes into her room. He starts making loud noises. Helen yells at him. Her mother then comes into her room. She asks Helen to cook dinner. Helen yells at her. Helen finally tells her family that she is busy.



Helen 海伦

do well 情况好 ; 成功 ; 顺遂 ; 成绩好

math 同 mathematics ; 数学

takes out <美>外卖餐馆,外卖食品( takeout的第三人称单数 )

loud 喧闹的 ; 响亮的 ; 大声的 ; 说话太大声的 ; 吵闹的 ; 俗艳的 ; 花哨的 ; 喧闹地 ; 大声地 ; 响亮地

noises 声音 ; 响声 ; 噪音 ; 吵闹声 ; 噪声 ; 干扰 ; 电子干扰讯号 ; 干扰信息 ; 垃圾信息 ; noise的第三人称单数和复数

yells 叫喊 ; 大喊 ; 吼叫 ; 喊叫 ; 叫嚷 ; 呐喊,欢呼 ; yell的第三人称单数和复数

asks 问 ; 询问 ; 要求 ; 请求 ; 恳求 ; 征求 ; ask的第三人称单数

cook 烹饪 ; 烹调 ; 煮 ; 密谋 ; 秘密策划 ; 做饭的人 ; 炊事员 ; 厨师

tells 告诉 ; 告知 ; 提供 ; 说明 ; 显示 ; 讲述 ; 说 ; 表达


He pours a glass of soda for himself. He accidentally spills some on his shirt. Oh no! His mom will get mad. His shirt is very expensive. He tries to clean it up. He pours water on it. He uses a stain remover. He takes the shirt to a dry cleaner's. Nothing works.



pours 使连续流出 ; 倾倒 ; 倒出 ; 涌流 ; 倾泻 ; 喷发 ; 倒,斟 ; pour的第三人称单数

a glass of 一杯

soda 苏打汽水 ; 苏打 ; 纯碱 ; 无水碳酸钠

accidentally 偶然,偶然地;出其不意地;不知不觉地;不知道为什么恰巧

spills 洒出,泼出,溢出 ; 涌出 ; 蜂拥而出 ; 洒出 ; 泼出 ; 溢出 ; 泄漏 ; 长梗火柴,纸捻 ; 摔下,跌落 ; spill的第三人称单数和复数

on it 大量喝酒

remover 清除剂 ; 搬家工人 ; 搬家公司

dry cleaner 干洗店


I am a new student in school. I tell the class about myself. I am from Canada, but now I live in Nevada. I live with my mom, dad, and brother. My brother is five years younger than me. Music is very important to me. I like to sing and dance. I also play the saxophone. One day, I hope to be a music teacher.



in school 在求学

but now 刚刚,适才

live in 住在学习或工作的地方 ; 住在;存在于…;为…而生存

live with 与…同处;与同居 ; 学会去适应;接受并忍受

five years 五年

to me 对我而言

One day 将来有一天;总有一天;有朝一日 ; 一天;一日

  • 来玩mc


  • 月_樱


  • 张梓熙666


  • 瓦猫1975


  • 欢乐颂88


  • 咏咏和大山
