英文演讲:Who Do You Want To Be

英文演讲:Who Do You Want To Be


Will Smith: For me, it - it has been the - to be that guy that does what people say can't be done. You know and I think it started with trying to please my mother and trying to please my grandmother, and they always wanted higher for me. They always wanted more for me, and it got to the point that I wanted to be something. I wanted to be somebody and it made me choose certain roles, it made me turn down certain roles, there is more than an image that I want to project. I want to be the person that is the first person there and the last person to leave. That's what I want to be because I think that the the road to success is through commitment and through the strength to drive through that commitment when it gets hard, and it is going to get hard and you're going to want to quit sometimes, but it'll be colored by who you are, and more who you want to be. I definitely found that wanting to be an actor stems from wanting to be somebody.

Tony Robbins: My mom wanted me be a truck driver because that would mean I would make $24,000 a year if I went to Truck Masters and I'll be twice what my father made and she thought that would happen, but something inside of me said I don't want to drive a truck. There's something else that matters more to me and I decided I was not gonna go for money instead of passion. And the rewards been pretty amazingly better than being a truck drive. It's not bad being a truck driver, it's just not what I was after, and I I look back and one of the things that helped me was my original teacher Jim Rohn, who was a personal development speaker I went to hear when I was 17. He said so the first time I heard him he said, you know it's really simple if you want life to change, you got to change. If you want life to be better you've got to get better. It's the only way it happens, and luck will show up for people and it will leave them, but if you're
constantly improving who you are and what you give, game over.





