Be honest to yourself 对自己诚实

Be honest to yourself 对自己诚实


One of the most important lessons that I've learned in personal development is that every single thing in this world, every single thing in this world, is a reflection of what you feel on the inside. 



When you look at yourself in the mirror, when you look at that person staring across right back at you, do you love that person? 



Because if you love that person, if you look at that person, you see that reflection, you feel love. That same level of love is gonna be reflected in every single person that you see and every single thing that you see. 



That means that if you walk up to a complete stranger, you are going to feel love for that person. You're gonna want them to have a better life. That means your worst enemies, that means every single person, animal, plant, tree, everything that you encounter you're going to feel love towards that, because that all you know, that all you desire in your life is love. 



Now you might be asking yourself, how do I build that level of love in myself. And throughout my whole personal development journey, it has come down to one word, one word that has summed all that up. Integrity. Now integrity is defined as the quality of being honest and having strong walls and principles, so it's something that we have to do. 



We have to ask ourselves the question. We have to have that honest conversation with ourselves and we have to say, this is where I'm at right now in my life. This is the place that I want to be. These are the things that I want to do. And it's not just enough to know that you have to make those decisions. You have to take action. You have to take action to make those changes in your lives. 


