PASSAGE 27:The Benefits of E-commerce
There is a reason why E-commerce has demonstrated such explosive growth in the past couple of years. Indeed, with the internet becoming an essential requirement of everyday life, businesses are learning to take advantage of the numerous benefits of E-commerce, the most notable of which include: Global market. A physical store will always be limited by a geographical area it can serve. An online store has the whole world as its market. Going from a local customer base to a global market at no additional cost is really one of the greatest advantages of trading online. Around-the-clock availability. Another great benefit of running an online business is that it is always open. For a merchant, it’s a dramatic increase in sales opportunities; for a customer, it’s a convenient and immediately available option. Reduced costs. E-commerce businesses benefit from significantly lower running costs. As there’s no need to hire sales staff or maintain a physical storefront, the merchants are able to save on operational costs and they can offer better deals and discounts to their customers. Inventory management. E-commerce businesses can automate their inventory management by using electronic tools to accelerate ordering, delivery and payment procedures.
电子商务的益处 在过去几年内,电子商务为什么能够井喷式增长是有原因的。诚然,网络正在成为每日生活的必需品,商务学习利用网络益处,最显著的包括: 全球市场。实体店总是受到地理限制,服务部分人群。网店可以定位全球市场。从本地客户到全球市场,没有额外成本。这是网上交易最大的利好。 随时可得。运营网店另外一个利好就是网店可以一直开张。对于商人来说,销售机会巨幅提升。不需要雇佣销售人员在实体店兜售,商人可以节约运营成本然后给顾客更大折扣。 库存管理。电子商务可以通过电子工具自动管理库存,增加订单,发货和付款手续。