PASSAGE 28:Differences Between Chinese & American Education
What are the main differences between the Chinese and American approach to education? The Chinese and American education systems have different aims. Many parents and educators view Chinese education as important for foundation, and American education as being helpful for the cultivation of students’ creativity. Chinese education focuses on the accumulation of knowledge , on how students manage and use the knowledge they learned in school, and on understandings of knowledge systems and structures. Americans are interested in how students use their knowledge in society. The American system lets students criticize ideas, and challenge as well as create concepts. The ways that American and Chinese students receive knowledge are also different. When they are doing homework, Chinese students just take notes and memorize the facts in textbooks. American teachers also assess students’ creativity, leadership, and cooperation skills. Emphasizing these skills encourages American students to take part in extracurricular activities. They believe that education is a part of life, not just part of school.
中美教育的不同 中美教育方法的主要差异在何处? 中国和美国的教育体系目标不同。许多家长和教育家认为中国教育注重基础,而美国教育帮助培养学生的创造力。中国教育注重知识累积,学生如何管理和运用学校学习的知识,理解知识体系和架构。美国教育注重学生在社会中运用知识。美国教育体系让学生对观点进行批判和思辨,然后挑战观点,然后创造新的理念。美国学生和中国学生接受知识的方式也不同。当他们在做作业时,中国学生是做笔记,然后死记硬背教科书的内容。美国老师也会评估学生的创造力、领导力和合作技巧。着重加强这些技巧,鼓励美国学生才加课外活动。他们相信教育是生活一部分,而不仅仅是学校。