八下 U3 2d 课文精讲

八下 U3 2d 课文精讲


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标题:八年级上册Unit 3 Section A 2d

片头:Intelligence depends on hard work, and knowledge depends on daily accumulation.


第一部分 :情景导入

女:Hello, guys! This is Dianna.

男:I’m Chris.

女:Hey Chris, did you do anything fun last weekend?

男:Yeah, I did some chores, so I got some pocket money.  

女:Wow. Got some pocket money by doing chores?(惊讶的语气)

男:My parents “paid” me a little money for doing chores.

女:你爸妈还给你发“工资”? Sounds really interesting. What chores do your parents often ask you to do?

男:Some easy chores, such as doing the dishes, sweeping the floor or feeding the pet cat or dog. When I get older, I will help my parents wash the family car, cut the grass or cook meals.

女:  Your parents will pay you more?你爸妈会发更多“工钱”给你?



男:Yep! On the one hand, it’s a good way for us to learn new things. For example, we can learn how to cook. On the other hand, it makes our parents relax on the weekends.

女:I can’t agree more. 那接下来让我们走进托尼和他姐姐的生活,了解一下他们对做家务的看法

男:Let’s get started!




男:So let’s keep the question in mind and turn to page 18, Section A 2d.


女:Tony, could you please help out with a few things? 对话中的姐姐对托尼说,你能帮着做几件事吗?help out 意思是帮助……分担工作、解决难题。For example, I’d still be glad to help out with any of the party preparations like planning the games. 我很乐意帮忙,为聚会做些准备,比如设计些小游戏。

男:Could I at least finish watching this show? 弟弟托尼却回答说:可以至少让我看完这个电视节目吗?

女:No, I think two hours of TV is enough for you! 这里,姐姐也给出了不同意的理由,两个小时的电视足够了。

男:Dianna这里two hours of TV谓语动词形式为什么用单数is?


男:我懂了For example, Five minutes is enough for you to take out the trash. 五分钟够你倒垃圾了



女:没错这也使对话顺利地进行下去。Let’s go on.

男:接下来姐姐继续征求弟弟的意见Could you take out the rubbish, fold the clothes and do the dishes? 你能倒垃圾,叠衣服和洗碗筷




Could I/you please do…?我/你可以……吗?

比如上面对话中提到的,Could you please help out with a few things?

Could you take out the rubbish, fold the clothes, and do the dishes?

Could I at least finish watching this show?

男:那我们答应别人时,是不是说Yes, I could.

女: No, no, no(注意语气)。could在这里是用来表示语气委婉我们做肯定回答的时候一般使用:Yes, I can.,当然除了Yes, I can.我们还可以使用Yes, sure. /Certainly. / Of course./With pleasure. (突然语气一转HiChris, could you please wash the dishes tonight?

:(马上回答Of course.(做出反应过来的样子哈哈Dianna如果我不答应的话,该怎么回答呢

你也要注意有礼貌地答复别人,你可以说Sorry, I can't./I'm afraid I can't. 而且你别忘了给出理由哦,这样会更真诚。

I see. 比如我可以这样说:Sorry, I can’t.I have to walk my dog.

不错哦一学就会除此之外我们还可以使用need to(需要) ,I am going to(打算)来说明理由

男:在对话中,弟弟觉得家务活太多的时候,姐姐也给出了理由,Mom will be back from shopping any minute now. Andshe won’t be happy if she sees this mess.

同学们注意啦这里any minute的意思是“随时,马上means at once, right away. If 在这里引导一个条件状语从句,意思是“如果……那么……”

:If mom finds the house clean and tidy, she will be really happy.

:I think “ mother clean” will make mom much happier.

:Mother clean?这是什么意思(疑惑的语气)

:That means clean enough to meet mother’s standards.

:It’s really hard work. We should take the house cleaning seriously so that the house is“mother clean”.





我们可以用could来有礼貌地提出要求和征询允许。Could I/you please do…?我/你可以……吗?



男:在西方国家,很多小孩通过做家务来挣零花钱。They help to do chores at the age of eight.他们一般八岁时帮忙做家务。


他们简单的家务做起比如洗碗筷(do the dishes),拖地板(sweep the floor),喂宠物狗或猫(feed the pet dog or cat)等。等到大些时,他们帮忙洗车(wash the family car),修理草坪(cut the grass)或做饭(cook meals)等。不少家长给做好家务劳动的孩子发“工钱”,以此来激励孩子参与家务劳动。

女:Sounds interesting!我想孩子会在这样的鼓励下把被动劳动变成主动劳动。相信随着年龄增长,他们会慢慢地学会体谅父母,知道自己在家庭中应当有所担当,不劳而获是不对的。

男:That’s right! 哈佛大学的教育学者曾对400多名少年进行了一次长期跟踪调查。调查发现美国小学生每日平均劳动1.2小时。他们也得出结论:爱做家务的孩子与不爱做的相比,长大后失业率为1:15,犯罪率为1:10,平均收入高出20%,此外,心理疾病患病率也比较低。

女:How useful doing chores is!这样看来做家务益处多多啊!

男:没错而我们国家也越来越重视劳动教育使学生树立正确的劳动观点和劳动态度,热爱劳动和劳动人民。Parents start teaching children about responsibility by letting them help around the house. On the other hand, parents can get a little bit of a break.

女:It’s a win-win. The most important thing is that children need to understand that everyone should play a part in keeping the house clean and tidy. 最重要的是小孩需要明白,每个人都应当参与家务来保持家里干净整洁。

男:不过,爸妈也应当经常夸奖孩子做得很棒!A heartfelt thank you can make them want to help out around the house. Also, don’t expect perfection. So don’t be surprised if things aren’t always done perfectly.



男:那今天的节目就到这里了。We only part to meet again!

女:See you next time, bye!

