



1. pack /pæk/ 一群

2. panther /ˈpænθər/ 黑豹

3. splash /splæʃ/ 飞溅


1. The leader of the Pack was Akela, a great grey wolf.


2. It was Bagheera the panther, black as the night, clever, strong, and dangerous.


3. He knew the meaning of every sound in the trees, of every song of the birds, of every splash in the water.



1. The hundred wolves of the Wolf-Pack met _____.

A. once a month

B. twice a month

C. three times a month

2. What happened when Father Wolf pushed Mowgli into the circle of wolves?

A. Shere Khan appeared and attacked the wolves.

B. Shere Khan appeared and robbed the baby away.

C. Shere Khan appeared and asked the wolves to give the baby to him.

3. To save the baby, who spoke for him?

A. A bear and a wolf.

B. Mother Wolf and Father Wolf.

C. A panther and a bear.

4. According to Bagheera, what would he offer to the wolves?

A. A fat cow.

B. A fat sheep.

C. A fat goat.

5 . Which of the following statements wasn't true about Mowgli?

A. He could climb trees like a monkey and swim in the rivers like a fish.

B. He could understand every sound in the trees and every song of the birds.

C. He had learned how to lead a life like human beings.



1. 题目问狼群数以百计的狼多久聚集一次,根据原文,他们每个月的月圆之时会聚会(对应原文: Here, the hundred wolves of the Wolf-Pack met every month when the moon was full.),所以是一个月一次。故选A。

2. 题目问“当狼爸爸将莫格利推到了狼群中间时,发生了什么”,根据原文,树林里传来了希尔汗的声音(对应原文:Then from the trees outside the circle they heard the voice of Shere Khan.),要求他们把婴儿交给他(对应原文:'The man-cub belongs to me. Give him to me!')。故选C。

3. 题目问“为了救这个婴儿,谁出来为他说情了”,根据原文,是巴鲁(对应原文:'I speak for the man-cub,' came Baloo's deep voice.)和黑豹巴格拉(对应原文:'O Akela, will you let me speak?' said Bagheera softly. 'The Law of the Jungle says it is possible to buy the life of a cub. It is bad to kill a man-cub. )。故选C。

4. 题目问“根据巴格拉的话,他愿意给狼群提供什么”,根据原文,他愿意给狼群一头牛(对应原文: Let him live with you, and I will give you a fat cow, newly killed, which lies in the jungle not far away.'),故选A。

5. 题目问“关于莫格利的说法哪个是不正确的”,根据原文,他可以像猴子一样爬树,像鱼儿一样在河里游泳(He learnt to climb trees like a monkey, to swim in the rivers like a fish.),并且可以辨认林间的每一种声音,鸟儿的每一支歌的含义(对应原文:He knew the meaning of every sound in the trees, of every song of the birds),所以排除A和B选项。C在文中并没有提到。故选C。

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