


“穿越到以前” 的英语地道表达方法 

跟宝宝学美式英语带你时空穿越。 宝宝“穿越回去了”应用在《你好,李焕英》的小小影评里, 看看你能听懂多少。

Sent back in time: 穿越到以前

to be transported to aprevious time.

I want to be sent back in time so I can retakethat test I failed.

I want to be sent back in time so I can talkto my grandparents more.

In the movie, “Hi Mom”, a mom is killed in acar accident .Her daughter is sent back in time, where she becomes her mother'sfriend. The daughter attempts to make her mother happier, and have abetter life.

This film, "Hi Mom", was released onFebruary 12, 2021, and has become extremely popular.

Based on a true story ofJia Ling's mother, this film will make you appreciate and enjoy yourfamily more.


