KET口语话题 9.1-Sports1 with sample answers

KET口语话题 9.1-Sports1 with sample answers


TOPIC: Sport

Q1: What sports do you like watching?

Well, I like watching football matches on TV, and I play football sometimes.


Q2: What sports can you do near your home?

To tell you the truth, there is not much to do near my home. The only sport I can do is play badminton with my friends.


Q3: When do you do sports?

Well, I usually do sports on weekends when I don’t have to worry about my homework.


Q4: What sports did you do when you were younger?

Honestly, I am not into sports, and I can’t remember what sports I did.


Q5: Please tell me something about a sport you would like to do.

Well, I would probably like to do skiing, which is fun and exciting.

