KET口语话题 6.1-Weather1 with sample answers

KET口语话题 6.1-Weather1 with sample answers


TOPIC: the weather

Q1: What month of the year is the coldest where you live?

I guess I would say it’s January, when the temperature falls to zero degree.


Q2: What do you do when it rains?

Well, when it rains, there is not much to do outdoors, so I just stay home and read.


Q3: How often does it snow where you live?

Honestly, it almost never snows where I live, and I really like watching it snow sometimes.


Q4: What is your favorite type of weather?

Honestly speaking, I don’t have a favorite type of weather. Maybe sunny days when I can play with my friends in a park nearby.


Q5: Please tell me something about what you do when the weather is good.

You know, when the weather is good, I tend to go camping with my friends or family and enjoy the sunshine in the open air.

