KET口语话题 8.1-Holidays with sample answers

KET口语话题 8.1-Holidays with sample answers


TOPIC: holidays

Q1: When do you like going on holiday?

Well, I like going on holiday in winter since I am a big fan of skiing.


Q2: How do you usually travel when you go on holiday?

Well, I usually travel by car when I go on holiday, and my father will take us to the nearest beach and we spend a day or two there.


Q3: Who do you go on holiday with?

Well, I go on holiday with my family members, and sometimes my friends will join us.


Q4: Where do you like to eat when you are on holiday?

To be frank with you, I like to eat in a local restaurant, which serves delicious local food.


Q5: Please tell me something about your last holiday.

Well, my last holiday was a five-day trip to Beijing before the COVID-19, and we visited Tian’anmen square and the summer palace.

