



Luxury’s race leader: Daimler

Carmaking, like motor racing, is not only a matter of passing rivals but also staying ahead. In the battle for supremacy among Germany’s luxury firms, Daimler looks set to keep out BMW for a while. So unexpectedly racy were its first-quarter results, with a near-doubling of profits compared with last year, that the surge was deemed “material”, forcing the firm to unveil preliminary figures two weeks ahead of an official announcement today. Daimler’s Mercedes-Benz brand has widened its sales lead over BMW after passing it in 2016 for the first time in over a decade, and remains comfortably ahead of Volkswagen’s Audi division. Snatching BMW’s laurels has long been Daimler’s aim. The launch of a new E-Class saloon and a face-lift for its range-topping S-Class should help it stay ahead.


matter [ˈmætə(r)]
① Affair, topic or situation being considered事情,问题,情况
The root of the matter
e.g.I don’t discuss private matter with my colleagues. 我不和同事讨论私人问题。
e.g.There’s the small matter of the money you owe me. 有件小事,你还欠我钱呢。
② as a matter of fact (加强语气) 事实上,说真的
e.g.I am going there tomorrow, as a matter of fact. 说实话,明天我要去那里
③ it’s a matter of time 。。。只是时间的问题
e.g.It’s simply a matter of time before the rebels are crushed.
④ a matter of sth 取决于某事
e.g.Dealing with these problems is all a matter of experience.

supremacy [su:ˈpreməsi] 至高无上,最高权力,最高权威,最高地位 Being supreme, position of the highest power, authority or status
① Achieve military supremacy over neighbouring countries 获得超越邻国的军事优势
② Challenging Japan’s supremacy in the field of electronics 争夺日本在电子领域中占据的领先地位
③ In the battle for supremacy 追求卓越的竞争(为成为至高无上的奢饰品轿车品牌而争斗)

supreme [su:ˈpri:m]
① highest in authority, rank or degree 权力、级别、地位的至高无上
the supreme ruler of a vast empire
② most important, greatest 最重要,最大的
make the supreme sacrifice

looks set 看起来基本上已经定了(几乎没什么悬念了)
e.g.They look set to repeat their success. 他们看起来基本要再次获得成功了。

surge [sɜ:dʒ] sudden occurrence or increase 突然发生,激增
e.g.There is a surge in electricity demand at around 7 pm. 晚上7点钟左右是用电高峰时间。

material [məˈtɪəriəl] important, essential, relevant material evidence 重要证据
e.g.Is this point material to your argument? 这一点对你的论点很重要吗?

unveil [ˌʌnˈveɪl]
① 除去面纱,揭幕
Unveil a monument
② 公开,揭示,展示
e.g.Unveil new models at the Motor Show 在汽车展览会上首次展出若干新型汽车
e.g.She unveiled her plans for reform. 她首次公开了她的改革计划

preliminary [prɪˈlɪmɪnəri](作为某一重要行动或事情的)开端的,预备性的
Preliminary negotiation
Preliminary contest
Preliminary figures

snatch [snætʃ]
① 迅速或粗鲁地抓取,抢
e.g.She snatched the letter out of my hand. 她从我手里把信抢走了。
② 迅速抓住某物,尤其是机会
Snatch an hour’s sleep
偷空睡一小时 Snatch a meal between jobs 趁工作间隙时吃饭
Snatch at every opportunity

laurel [ˈlɒrəl]
① 月桂树
Evergreen shrub with smooth glossy leaves
② 桂冠(月桂树叶编制的花环,做为胜利或荣耀的象征)
③ Look to one’s laurel 意识到可能丧失优势地位
e.g.There are so many good new actors around that the older ones will soon have to look to their laurels. 新演员人才辈出,老演员不久就地位难保了。

saloon [səˈlu:n]
① 船上或者酒店的大厅
Dancing saloon
② saloon-car 轿车

face-lift 拉皮手术

range-topping 高端、同类商品中最高配置的

range: group or series of similar things; selection or variety 成套或成系列的东西、种类
sell a whole range of tools


