E28 英文朗读 | Why are people so dang obsessed with Mars?

E28 英文朗读 | Why are people so dang obsessed with Mars?


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①Tonight UVA astronomer Ed Murphy has made a special trip up to the observatory, which is closed to the public because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The whirling dance of orbital dynamics has put Mars at its biggest and brightest in the sky right now, and Murphy calculated that this would be the best time to see it from central Virginia, where the turbulent air can sometimes complicate nighttime sky-gazing.


②Since civilizations first gazed skyward, humans have followed Mars and charted its capricious path through the heavens. As the Sumerians tracked this “wandering star” crossing the sky in the third millennium B.C.E., they noted its foreboding color and associated it with the malevolent deity Nergal, god of pestilence and war. Its movements and varying brightness portended the deaths of kings and horses or the fates of crops and battles.



