基督山伯爵42 文本已添加

基督山伯爵42 文本已添加



"You werewishing just now," said Villefort, addressing her, "that I were adoctor instead of a lawyer. Well, I at least resemble the disciples ofEsculapius in one thing -- that of not being able to call a day my own, noteven that of my betrothal." 您刚才希望我去做一个医生”维尔福对她说道“好吧,同希腊神医埃斯科拉庇的教条相比我致少有一点是大同小异的,就是没有哪一天可以说是属于我自己的,即使是在我订婚的这一天。”"And wherefore were you called awayjust now?" asked Mademoiselle de Saint-Meran, with an air of deep interest.“刚才又要叫你到哪儿去?”圣·梅朗小姐微微带着不安的神色问。"For a very serious matter, which bidsfair to make work for the executioner." “唉!假如我听到的话是真的,哪么现在就有一个病人,已危在旦夕了,这种病很严重,已经病得行将就木了。”"How dreadful!" exclaimed Renee,turning pale. “多可怕呀!”蕾妮惊叫了起来,她本来因激动而变得发红的面颊变得煞白。"Is it possible?" burstsimultaneously from all who were near enough to the magistrate to hear hiswords. “真有这么一会事?”在座的宾客们异口同声地惊喊了起来。"Why, if my information prove correct,a sort of Bonaparte conspiracy has just been discovered."

"Can Ibelieve my ears?" cried the marquise. “噢,如果我得到的消息确凿的话,刚才我们又发现一次拿破仑党的阴谋活动。” “这次可能是真的吗?”侯爵夫人喊到。 "I will read you the lettercontaining the accusation, at least," said Villefort: --"`The king'sattorney is informed by a friend to the throne and the religions institutionsof his country, that one named Edmond Dantes, mate of the ship Pharaon, thisday arrived from Smyrna, after having touched at Naples and Porto-Ferrajo, hasbeen the bearer of a letter from Murat to the usurper, and again taken chargeof another letter from the usurper to the Bonapartist club in Paris. Amplecorroboration of this statement may be obtained by arresting theabove-mentioned Edmond Dantes, who either carries the letter for Paris aboutwith him, or has it at his father's abode. Should it not be found in the possessionof father or son, then it will assuredly be discovered in the cabin belongingto the said Dantes on board the Pharaon.'"“请让我来把这封密信念给你们听吧。”维尔福说“‘敝人系拥护王室及教会之人士,兹向您报告,有爱德蒙·唐太斯其人,系法老号之大副,今晨自士麦拿经那不勒斯抵埠,中途曾停靠费拉约港。此人受缪拉之命送信与逆贼,并受逆贼之命送信与巴黎拿破仑党委员会。犯罪证据在将其逮捕时即可获得,该信件不是在其身上,就是在其父家中,或者在法老号上他的船舱里。’”"But," said Renee, "thisletter, which, after all, is but an anonymous scrawl, is not even addressed toyou, but to the king's attorney."  “可是,”蕾妮说,“这必竟只是一封乱写的匿名信,况且又不是写给你的,这是写给检察官的。”"True; but that gentleman being absent,his secretary, by his orders, opened his letters; thinking this one ofimportance, he sent for me, but not finding me, took upon himself to give thenecessary orders for arresting the accused party." “不错,检察官不在,他的秘书便受命拆开看了这封信。他认为这事很重要,遂派人来找我,又因找不到我。他就自己下了逮捕令,把那人抓了起来。”"Then the guilty person is absolutelyin custody?" said the marquise.   “这么说那个罪犯已被逮捕了,是吗?”侯爵夫人说。 "Nay, dear mother, say theaccused person. You know we cannot yet pronounce him guilty." “这应该说是被告。”蕾妮说。"He is in safe custody," answeredVillefort; "and rely upon it, if the letter is found, he will not belikely to be trusted abroad again, unless he goes forth under the especialprotection of the headsman." “已经被捕了,”维尔福回答说,“正如我们刚才有幸向蕾妮小姐说过的那样,假如那封关键的信找到了,那个病人可就没救了。”"And where is the unfortunatebeing?" asked Renee. “那个不幸的人在哪儿?”蕾妮问。"He is at my house." “他在我们家里。”"Come, come, my friend,"interrupted the marquise, "do not neglect your duty to linger with us. Youare the king's servant, and must go wherever that service calls you." “快去吧,我的朋友,”侯爵夫人插进来说,“别因为和我们呆在一起而疏忽了你的职责。你是国王的臣仆,职务所在,不论哪儿都得去。”"O Villefort!" cried Renee,clasping her hands, and looking towards her lover with piteous earnestness,"be merciful on this the day of our betrothal." “噢,维尔福先生!”蕾妮紧握着他的双手喊道,“今天是我们订婚的日子,你可要对那人宽大一点啊!”The young man passed round to the side ofthe table where the fair pleader sat, and leaning over her chair said tenderly,--"To give you pleasure, my sweet Renee, I promise to show all the lenityin my power; but if the charges brought against this Bonapartist hero provecorrect, why, then, you really must give me leave to order his head to be cutoff." Renee shuddered. 那青年绕过桌子,走到那美丽的姑娘身边,靠在她的椅子上,温柔地说:“为了让您高兴,我亲爱的蕾妮,在我力所能及的范围内,我答应您尽量宽大些。但假如证据确凿的话,您就必须同意,我下命令把他杀头。” 蕾妮一听到最后两个字便痉挛似的震颤了一下,把头转向了一边,好象她那温柔的天性受不了如此冷酷,说要把一个活生生的人杀掉似的。

