

Let's play doctor. / Let's play hospital.
Mom, I want to be the doctor.
Okay, I'll be the patient.
I'm a nurse to help the doctor.
How can I help you? / What's troubling you?
My head/ stomach hurts.
My ears/ eyes/ legs hurt.
I have a fever and a stomachache.
Where exactly do you feel pain?
It itches because of my rash.
I feel itchy.
Open your mouth wide. Say " Ah..."
I'm going to take your temperature.
You have a high fever.
Nurse, can you give me my stethoscope?
Take a deep breath in and out.
We need to do surgery.
I'll write you a prescription.
I'm going to give you a shot.
Can you give me a shot that won't hurt?
It will sting a little bit.
Good job.
The next patient, Teddy bear! Come in.
Doctor, my baby's really sick.
Lie on the bed, please.
I'll put on some ointment.
You need to stay in the hospital.
Nurse, can you take this patient to the treatment
It hurts a lot, doesn't it?
Don't worry. You will be fine soon.
Go to the pharmacy now.
Was I a good doctor?
Did I do a good job?
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