


Let's play next time.
Can't you see Mommy's very busy?
Sorry. Mommy's too busy.
I'll play with you after I do the dishes.
I'm working, so I'll play with you later.
I can play with you in a minute after work.
Can you wait? Thanks.
Wait! Let's play a little later.
Wait for five minutes.
Can you play with me in 5 minutes?
I want to play right now.
Play with me right away.
Not now.
There's no time today./ I have no time today.
It's too late. Let's play a lot tomorrow.
There's too much to do right now.
Mommy also wants to play with you, but I can't
right now.
Ask Daddy to play with you.
Daddy always says he's busy.
If I wait, you have to play with me some more.
Then when can you find time?/ When are you
free then?
You can do it later after playing with me.
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