


Mommy, play with me.
Ok! Let's see what we can do.
Mommy, I'm bored.
It's play time.
Mom, can you play with me?
l wonder what's fun to play.
Do you have anything fun?
I'll stop reading now.
I don't want to watch TV anymore.
I hate to play alone.
I need friends to play together with.
Want to have some fun?
Are you ready to have fun?
Let's find something fun.
Yay! Sounds great!
Okay. My baby must have been bored.
Sure. What do you want to do with me, Sweetheart?
What should we play?
Do whatever you want to do.
Let's do anything.
Mom, let's solve a puzzle.
Mommy's feeling good today. I can play with you
all day long.
Playing with my baby is the most fun.
I love it when Mommy plays games with me.
  • 听友291371253

    途正Annie戴 回复 @听友291371253: 谢谢您的坚持不懈👍👍,今天我终于鼓起勇气把整本书学完了。学习英语的路上有小伙伴们一路陪伴,果然是件幸福的事情。thank you so much.❤️🙏

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