话题:Textmessages 发信息
Iwill text you. 我会给你发信息的
I willcall you. 我会给你打电话的
问题1:Doyou prefer texting or calling?
Introvert 内向性格的人
anxious 焦虑
敬文老师:Iprefer calling, it’s moredirect and efficient.(我喜欢打电话,非常简洁,高效)
virgo 处女座
敬文老师:I amvery fussy about details (我对细节信息非常的挑剔)
logical 有逻辑的
urgent 紧急的
敬文老师:Theconnection from your side is bad.(你那边的信号不太好)
audiochat 语音聊天
敬文老师:it‘snot a good time for you to talk on the phone(打电话现在不方便)
I am inthe middle of (我正在忙着做.....)
furious 暴怒的
annoyed 暴躁的
问题2: Howoften do you send messages?
somethinghas just come up(当有事儿发生的时候)
When Ichat with my friends, I text very frequently.(当我跟朋友聊天的时候,我会频繁的发信息)
问题3: whendo you think texting is better than making a phone call?
Convenience store 便利店
at someoneconvenience 在某人方便的时候
it allowsothers to reply at their earliest convenience (可以让他们在最方便的时候回复你的信息)
superior 更高级别的人/上级
someoneyou might need help from(你需要寻求帮助的对象)