2020年9月18日版 Plus-Size Disney Princesses

2020年9月18日版 Plus-Size Disney Princesses

Plus-Size Disney Princesses 第2676期
It’s the Little Mermaid, but in a larger size. Artist Crystal Walter created this picture. She has drawn Disney princesses with bigger body types. These pictures look interesting. They are popular on the internet.
“When I was a child, I was quite fat. I looked down upon(看不起) my own body,” she says. “As I grew up, I couldn’t find any fat role models on social media.” That’s how she got the idea for her plus-size Disney princesses.
According to the artist, her work doesn’t mean that being thin as “bad” or “unrealistic(不切实际的).” Instead, she wants to tell people to love their bodies. It’s OK to have a smaller, or a bigger, body size. As you can see, plus-size Disney princesses are beautiful, too.
