2020年9月11日版 The Key to Success

2020年9月11日版 The Key to Success

The Key to Success 第2674期
Socrates(苏格拉底) was a great thinker in ancient Greece(古希腊). He told his students on their first day of school, “Today we will learn only one thing. It is the simplest thing to do. Each of you will swing your arms forward and then backward.”
Socrates showed his students the arm swinging exercise. Then he told his students to start swinging their arms 300 times each day. “Do you think you can do it?” the teacher asked. Every student laughed and said, “Of course. It is so simple.” So, all of the students promised to swing their arms every day.
A month later, Socrates asked the class, “Which one of you has been persevering(坚持) in doing your daily arm swinging exercise?” Everyone raised his hand proudly. Another month went by. Socrates asked the class the same question, but only 80 percent of the students raised their hands. A year later, Socrates asked the class the question again. But this time, only one student raised his hand. This student was Plato(柏拉图). He later became a great thinker.
When you want to do something, keep trying and do not give up. This is the key to success.
