Stress & Being Stress Free - Louise Hay

Stress & Being Stress Free - Louise Hay


Let's talk about stress and being stress-free. This is the moment in which you are either enjoying or not enjoying your life. What you are thinking now is creating the way you feel in your body now and your experiences tomorrow. If you are stressing yourself out over every little thing and making mountains out of molehills, you will never find inner peace. We talk a lot about stress these days. Everyone seems to be stressed out by something.

Stress seems to be a buzzword and we use it to the point where I think it's a cop-out. I'm so stressed. Or this is so stressful. All there's stress, stress, stress. I think that stress is a fearful reaction to life's constant changes. It is an excuse we often use for not taking responsibility for our own feelings. If we can put the blame out there on someone or something, then we can just play the innocent victim. But being the victim doesn't make us feel good and it doesn't change the situation. Often, we are stressing ourselves because we have our priorities mixed up. So many of us feel that money is the most important thing in our lives. But this is not true.




