


Lesson Eight
The Model Millionaire (II)

Oscar Wilde
 Learning Guide
1. That night Hughie went to a club about eleven o'clock, and found Trevor sitting by himself in the smoking room drinking.

2. "Well, Alan, did you finish the picture all right?" he said, as he lit his cigarette.

3. "Finished and framed, my boy!" answered Trevor; "and, by the way, that old model you saw has become very fond of you. I had to tell him all about you - who you are, where you live, what your income is, what hopes you have -"

4. "My dear Alan," cried Hughie, "I shall probably find him waiting for me when I go home. But, of course, you are only joking. Poor old fellow! I wish I could do something for him. I think it is terrible that any one should be so miserable. ①I have got heaps of old clothes at home - do you think he would care for any of them? Why, his rags were falling to bits." 

  ① “I have got heaps of old clothes at home-do you think he would care for any of them? Why, his rags were falling to bits.”
   do you think he would care for any of them? Why, his rags were falling to bits:你觉着他愿意要几件?唉,他的衣服就要成碎片了。
     care for:愿意要……
   ...I have got a lot of old clothes at home-do you think he would like to have any of them? Well, his clothes were almost rags.
5. "But he looks splendid in them," said Trevor. "①I should never want to paint him in a frock coat for anything. What you call rags I call romance. ②What seems poverty to you is charm to me. However, I'll tell him of your offer."

  ① I should never want to paint him in a frock coat for anything.
   If he were dressed in a frock coat, I would not have painted for anything.
  ② What seems poverty to you is charm to me.
   You think that the old man’s rags, battered hat and sad expression all show that he is poor, but those are exactly what attract me most as an artist.
6. "Alan," said Hughie seriously, "①you painters are a heartless lot."

7. "②An artist's heart is his head," replied Trevor; "and besides, our business is to show the world as we see it, not to make it better. And now tell me how Laura is. The old model was quite interested in her. "

  ① “...you painters are a heartless lot.”
   you painters are a group of people who have no sympathy for others/the poor.
  ② “An artist’s heart is his head,” replied Trevor; “and besides, our business is to show the world as we see it, not to make it better...”
   “An artist is guided by his judgment not by his emotions,” said Trevor; “and besides, our work is to present the world honestly, not to improve it...”
8. "You don't mean to say you talked to him about her?" said Hughie.

9. "Certainly I did. He knows all about the cruel father, the lovely Laura, and the ten thousand pounds."

10. "You told the old beggar all about my private affairs.?" cried Hughie, looking very red and angry.

11. "My dear boy," said Trevor, smiling, "that old beggar, as you call him, is one of the richest men in Europe. He could buy all London tomorrow. He has a house in every capital, has his dinner off gold plate, and can prevent Russia going to war when he wishes."

12. "What on earth do you mean?" cried Hughie.

13. "What I say," said Trevor. "the old man you saw today in the studio was Baron Hausberg. He is a great friend of mine, buys all my pictures and that sort of thing, and ①gave me a commission a month ago to paint him as a beggar. What do you expect? ②It is the whim of a millionaire. You know these rich men. And I must say he looked fine in his rags, or perhaps I should say in my rags; they are an old suit I got in Spain."

  ① ...gave me a commission a month ago to paint him as a beggar.
   a month ago he told me to paint a picture of him as a beggar.
  ② It is the whim of a millionaire. You know these rich men.
   It is a sudden and unreasonable idea of a millionaire.
14. "Baron Hausberg!" cried Hughie. "Good heavens! I gave him a pound!" and he sank into an arm-chair the picture of dismay.

15. "Gave him a pound!" shouted Trevor and he burst into a roar of laughter. "My dear boy, ①you'll never see it again. His business is with other men's money."

  ① “...you'll never see it again. His business is with other men’s money.”
   He invests other men's. (Most likely he is a broker-a person who buys and sells things, for example, shares in a business, for other people. Maybe he is a banker or he runs an investment company, or that sort of thing.)

16. "I think you ought to have told me, Alan," said Hughie in a bad temper, "and not have let me make such a fool of myself."

17. "Well, to begin with, Hughie," said Trevor, "It never entered my mind that you went about giving money away in that careless manner. I can understand your kissing a pretty model, but your giving money to an ugly one -, no! Besides, when you came in I didn't know whether Hausberg would like his name mentioned. ①You know he wasn't in full dress!"

  ① “...You know he wasn't in full dress! ”
     in full dress:礼服,正式场合的穿着。
   he was in rags. He was not in normal clothes.
18. "How stupid he must think me!" said Hughie.

19. "Not at all. He was in the highest spirits after you left; kept laughing to himself and rubbing his old wrinkled hands together. I couldn't understand why he was so interested to know all about you; but I see it all now. He'll invest your pound for you, Hughie, pay you the interest every six months, and have a wonderful story to tell after dinner."

20. "I'm an unlucky devil," said Hughie. "The best thing I can do is to go to bed; and, my dear Alan, you mustn't tell anyone. ①I shouldn't dare to show my face if people knew."

  ① “I shouldn't dare to show my face if people knew ”
   If people knew I had given a pound to a millionaire, how they would laugh at me, and how I could face their ridicule.
21. "Nonsense! It shows your kindness of spirit, Hughie. And don't run away. Have another cigarette, and you can talk about Laura as much as you like."

22. ①However, Hughie wouldn't stay, but walked home, feeling very unhappy, and leaving Alan Trevor helpless with laughter.

  ① However, Hughie wouldn't stay, but walked home, feeling very unhappy, and leaving Alan Trevor helpless with laughter.
     helpless with:控制不住强烈的感情,如大笑、大怒、绝望等。
   Hughie's embarrassment amused Trevor so much that he started laughing and could not stop.
23. The next morning, as he was at breakfast, the servant brought him a card on which was written, "Monsieur Gustave Naudin, for M. le Baron Hausberg." "I suppose he has come for an apology,"said Hughie to himself; and he told the servant to bring the visitor in.

24. An old gentleman with gold glasses and grey hair came into the room and said, in a slight French accent, "Have I the honour of speaking to Monsieur Erskine?"

25. Hughie bowed.

26. "I have come from Baron Hausberg," he continued. "The Baron -" he continued. "The Baron -"

27. "I beg, sir, that you will offer him my sincerest apologies,"stammered Hughie.

28. "The Baron," said the old gentleman with a smile, "has commissioned me to bring you this letter"; and he held out a sealed envelope.

29. On the outside was written, "A wedding present to Hugh Erskine and Laura Merton, from an old beggar," and inside was a cheque for ten thousand pounds.

30. When they were married Alan Trevor was the best man, and the Baron made a speech at the wedding breakfast.

31. "Millionaire models," remarked Alan, "are rare enough; but model millionaires are rarer still!"


(单选题)17.The old man found the boy _____ apples from his orchard.

A. to steal
B. being stolen
C. stealing
D. stolen

【解析】本题考查现在分词作宾补。现在分词作宾补和宾语构成主谓关系,过去分词作宾补和宾语构成动宾关系。句中the boy和steal是主谓关系,故用现在分词。该句句意是“老人发现那个小男孩从他的果园里偷苹果。”



(单选题)18.Darkness fell, and everything in the yard _____.

A. fell quiet
B. has fallen quiet
C. fell to be quiet
D. has fallen quietness




(单选题)19.We _____ for her because she would never come.

A. couldn’t have waited
B. mustn’t have waited
C. wouldn’t have waited
D. shouldn’t have waited

【解析】本题考查情态动词shouldn’t/oughtn’t to+完成式。shouldn’t/oughtn’t to+完成式意思是“本不应该”,该句句意是“我们本不应该等她的,因为她根本不会来。”


