16 1-6 英

16 1-6 英


16-1 That provides Institutional guaranteeto the therapy to ensure the convalescent plasma is available to severepatients, In the future, we hope those who have recovered from the disease canextend a helping hand and carry on this relay of love.


16-2 And then the severe patients need tosign a consent to use plasma the doctors in our hospitals need to follow theprotocols to make full use of plasma therapy to save patients,

We hope the convalescent plasma therapy canprovide hope to our severe and critical patients. Thank you. That's the end ofthe press conference. Thank you for coming.



16-3 ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Iwant to first thank you for following and supporting our scientific research. Sincethe start of covid-19 outbreak the science committee in china has earnestlyimplemented general secretary Xi Jinpin and other leaders’ instructions onstepping up scientific research. We have focused on tackling the priorityconcerns of the people and made good progress.


16-4 First we established the researchareas for the purpose of curing and preventing the disease in light of theurgent need and responsive efforts. We have identified five main areas ofresearch, namely etiology and epidemiology testing technique and products medicineand clinical therapeutic vaccine R & D and animal modeling.

首先,我们以治愈和预防疾病为目的设立研究领域,这些领域的设立基于迫切的需要和应对的努力。我们确定了五个主要研究领域,即病原学和流行病学,检测技术和产品医学和临床治疗性疫苗R & D和动物建模。

16-5 Second, we established the researchbodies. The Chinese academy of sciences, the academy of military sciences ofthe P L A, the Chinese academy of medical sciences and China center for diseasecontrol are taking the lead. Universities and enterprises across the countryare mobilized to participate and work closely with frontline medical facilitiesforming special research group to seek breakthroughs in science.


16-6 3rd, we established the researchprincipal. Under the coordination of the central leading group and theinteragency task force and the leadership of vice premier Liuhe. researchersare aiming at producing real results that are useful on the ground.


