2020-03-29Dialogue between Oceantanke and 11 year old Nuonuo Part 4

2020-03-29Dialogue between Oceantanke and 11 year old Nuonuo Part 4


Part 4


Oceantanke: But, one thing is, when we wearthe piece of clothes of our physical body, we can see this flower, but when wetake off the piece of clothes of our physical body, will the flower we see bethe same? What do you think?



Nuonuo: If the clothes you wear is a raincoat,and there is something that covers your eyes, then it won’t be the same.



Oceantanke: Yes, that’s it. For example, aswe wear the clothes of physical body, we need to use our eyes to see and earsto listen, right?



Nuonuo: Hmm.



Oceantanke: So if the person’s eyes are verybig, then what we see will not be the same, right? Similarly, if this person isnearsighted, will the flower we see be the same? If this person is astigmaticor presbyopic, will the flower we see be the same? They won’t be the same,right?



Nuonuo: No, they won’t be the same.



Oceantanke: So, after we leave this pieceof clothes of our physical body, when we look at this flower, we may see itdifferently, right?



Nuonuo: Hmm.



Oceantanke: If we can understand this, wewill have a real understanding of birth and death. Then when our relativesleave the physical body, what most people call death, actually they still existbut not that they have disappeared since then. When we can understand likethis, we will not feel sad anymore. Instead, we will bless them and wish theycan look at the life and the universe with more wisdom after leaving thephysical body. Besides, if they put on another piece of clothes of the physicalbody, we wish they can live with more love and wisdom. Wherever we are,wherever we go, we should bring love and wisdom with us so that the world willbe in harmony, right?



Nuonuo: Hmm.

