





The Lottery Winner L2

彩票大赢家 L2

Jason Williams came home and sat down on his bed. He was twenty-two years old. He lived with his father and mother in three small rooms at the top of a tall building. Every day he went out, but he did not go to work. Jason stole things.(1)Sometimes he stole things from shops or cars; and sometimes he stole money from old people like Emma Carter. Today he was angry.


'I took that old woman's bag,' he thought. 'What did l get? Two pounds, seventy-four pence, and a lottery ticket! And it was an old, cheap bag too.'


Jason knew about lottery tickets. He bought five tickets every weekend. He put Emma's lottery ticket in his pocket and forgot about it. Then he went out for a drink.


At the hospital a nurse put Emma to bed in a room with five other women.(2) There was a television in the room, and at eight o'clock everybody watched the lottery. For a minute Emma watched too, but she felt very tired and soon she closed her eyes and slept.(3) So she did not hear the winning numbers for that week's lottery...


On Sunday at twelve o'clock Jason got out of bed and made some tea. Then he opened his father's newspaper and found the winning lottery numbers: 5, 12, 23, 24, 38, 41. He checked his five lottery tickets. 'No good!' he said.


Then he remembered the old woman's ticket and checked those numbers too: 5, 12, 23, 24, 38, 41. He checked them three times. Six winning numbers!


'I'm a winner!' he said. He kissed the ticket. Then he ran into the living-room and kissed his mother.


‘Here, what's the matter, Jason?' said Lily Williams. Jason sometimes hit her, but he did not usually kiss her. Her cigarette fell out of her mouth.(4)


'The lottery! I'm this week's winner, Mum! Look--six winning numbers. I'm rich!'


Jason's father came into the living-room. 'What's all this noise?' he said.(5)


'Joe, Joe!' said Lily. 'Jason's got six winning numbers in the lottery. We're rich!'


'Wrong!' said Jason. 'I'm rich.'


His mother and father began to speak at the same time. But Jason did not listen. He went out to the telephone box in the street and made a very important telephone call.




1. steal 偷窃

    steal... from... 从……偷盗……

例句:It’s not right to steal things from others.


2. put sb. to bed 安顿/打发某人睡觉

例句:A mom is putting her baby to bed.


3. for a minute 一会儿

    for a second 一小会儿

例句:Please wait me for a minute. 


           Please wait me for a second. 


4. fall out of... 从……掉下来

例句:Last night I fell out of bed.


5. noise 噪声; 噪音

    What’s all this noise? 吵什么呢?

  • Jay乐

    这个臭贾森! 不给他妈妈钱!1

    樱花烂漫_予心 回复 @Jay乐: 哦哦,我看到了,有时打他妈妈、不想给他妈钱…… 我要是敢跟我妈顶嘴,她早就左右扇我七八个嘴巴子,把我扔到外面面壁去了……(唉唉...)

  • 胡椒有声


  • 时透一郎

  • 精英w5
  • selinaypw


  • Jay乐


    POIDEKOI_MINECRAFT 回复 @Jay乐: 111111111

  • 爱巧克力冰淇淋


  • 頔霏你不可

  • 存恩同学

    请参考以下: 北京市教委《关于切实减轻中小学生过重课业负担的通知》 第二条、五六年级作业不超1小时 针对目前普遍存在的作业量大问题,市教委要求区县和学校要加强对作业的指导和管理,严格控制课外作业总量。小学一至二年级不布置家庭作业;三至六年级语文、数学和英语可适量布置家庭作业,三至四年级每天作业总量不得超过30分钟,五至六年级每天作业总量不得超过1小时。 初中每天家庭作业总量不得超过1.5小时。教师布置作业必须坚持“精选、批改、讲评”原则,不得布置简单重复性和惩罚性的作业,不得给家长布置作业或让学生家长代为评改作业。

  • 嫣菀

    抢的时候看不出包又旧又不值钱嘛 知足吧。换现在一分钱也抢不到。大家都微信了