





Describe a family that you like

You should say:

Where this family lives

How many members are in the family

How you know them

What each person in this family does in life (student/work/retired etc.)

and explain why you like this family



I like a family called the Chen family very much. There are four members, Mr. Chen, his wife Grace, his daughter Casey and his father. They live in the Xujiahui area of Shanghai, and their apartment is right next to mine.


I used to serve as Casey’s Englishhome tutor(英文家教) when I was in my senior year in college. Wegot acquainted (变成熟人) quickly, and after my graduation, westayed in close contact(保持紧密联系). Every weekend, I would pay them a visit.


Mr. Chen is a civil servant, and his wife is the head of human resources in a huge multinational company. His daughter Casey is in grade 4 this year, and Mr. Chen's father has retired from his job as an engineer.


Their family atmosphere is very harmonious, and everyone has full respect for each other, especially the parent-child relationship. For example, Casey has the freedom to choose which courses she would like to enrol in – whether it’s piano, fencing, violin, dancing, etc. She can quit whenever she wants, but she must be fully responsible for herself. This is what I have never experienced in my own family. My parents were very strict, and they made rules for me to follow without asking me if I liked them or not. I know that children need discipline, but how much discipline is a very important question.

