





Describe aline (or a few words) that you remember from a poem or song

You should say:

What it is

Which song or poem it is from

How you know it

How you feel about it




I am going to talk about a few words I remember from a song called“七里香”in Chinese. The melody is really beautiful and the lyricsare quitecatchy (朗朗上口的) as well.


If my memory is correct, this song came out when I was in primary school. It was thehit song(很火的歌) from a popular singer in my country called Jay Chou. It is a song that everyone has heard and it is played in restaurants, stores, radios and all kinds of places. Back in the day, we didn’t havesmart phones(智能手机) so I downloaded the record onto my mp3 player.


This song is about love and the simple and bright things that love brings us(爱情带给我们的淳朴和美好). The lyrics talk about the feeling of first falling in love. It’s like strawberries, it’s like the rain and it’s like the simple countryside. For me, it was the first song that I tried to sing well and I remember performing it in front of my class. Atthe time, I listened to this song a lot, like when I was feeling bored, when I was upset and when I was doing (the) housework, so it was easy for me to memorize most of the lyrics.


Even though this song came out more than 15 years ago, I still listen to it sometimes, and whenever I hear it, I am reminded of all those simple moments from my childhood.


