




Here's How Working Out Can Make You More Resilient to Stress

When it comes to the physical health perks of exercise, you could probably rattle off a dozen benefits. But the mental health effects of working out are just as profound, making us happier, less stressed, and more resilient, says Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D., author of The Joy of Movement. 
Science shows that when you move your body, your muscles release chemicals known as myokines into your bloodstream that improve your mood, reduce anxiety and depression, and make your brain more resilient to stress.
The chemicals coming out of your muscles when you exercise instruct your brain to change in certain beneficial ways, like adding new neurons in the hippocampus or increasing the structural integrity of the connections between the parts of your brain that help reduce fear and anxiety.

And here’s the thing about it: The exercise doesn’t have to be hard. Moving your body in any way, with any degree of intensity, can do it. That said, many of the resulting benefits are amplified by intensity. You will get a bigger release of these chemicals if you get your heart rate up higher.

On days when people exercise, stressful things take less of a toll on their well-being. You’re more resilient because of how movement makes you feel about yourself and your capacity to handle challenges. Studies show that after six weeks of activity, we see functional and structural changes in the brain’s reward system that are similar to what you see from the most advanced treatments for depression.

