第四十五集 Don't be afraid!

第四十五集 Don't be afraid!





第四十五集 Don’t be afraid !(和《小粉兔历险记》第174集联动)


小朋友们大家好,我是开源老师,英语“Don’t be afraid!”就是“别害怕!”的意思。现在就请大家听一听小粉兔和朋友之间有趣的对话吧。


花皮虎:Little pink rabbit, I want to sing a song for you! (小粉兔,我想为你唱首歌!)

小粉兔:Oh, no! Please don’t!(噢不,请不要唱!)

花皮虎:Come on, don’t be afraid! Lalala, little pink rabbit!(来嘛,别害怕!啦啦啦,小粉兔!)

小粉兔:That’s enough! Please stop singing!(够了,请不要再唱了。)


小白狗:Little pink rabbit , this mountain is too high to climb.(小粉兔,这座山太高了我爬不上去。)

小粉兔:Don’t be afraid! You can do it!(别害怕,你可以的!)

小白狗:Are you sure?(你确定吗?)

小粉兔:Yeah I’m sure. Now let’s get moving!(是的我肯定!现在让我们行动起来!)


小猴子:Little pink rabbit, I like little sheep very much but I can’t tell her.(小粉兔,我非常喜欢小绵羊,但是我不敢告诉她!)

小粉兔:Don’t be afraid! Just speak it out!(别害怕,你应该大声说出来!)

小猴子:Yeah you are right. I will tell her next time!(嗯你是对的,下次我就告诉她。)




花皮虎:Little pink rabbit, I want to sing a song for you! (小粉兔,我想为你唱首歌!)

小粉兔:Oh, no! Please don’t!(噢不,请不要唱!)

花皮虎:Come on, don’t be afraid! Lalala, little pink rabbit!(来嘛,别害怕!啦啦啦,小粉兔!)

小粉兔:That’s enough! Please stop singing!(够了,请不要再唱了。)


小白狗:Little pink rabbit , this mountain is too high to climb.(小粉兔,这座山太高了我爬不上去。)

小粉兔:Don’t be afraid! You can do it!(别害怕,你可以的!)

小白狗:Are you sure?(你确定吗?)

小粉兔:Yeah I’m sure. Now let’s get moving!(是的我肯定!现在让我们行动起来!)


小猴子:Little pink rabbit, I like little sheep very much but I can’t tell her.(小粉兔,我非常喜欢小绵羊,但是我不敢告诉她!)

小粉兔:Don’t be afraid! Just speak it out!(别害怕,你应该大声说出来!)

小猴子:Yeah you are right. I will tell her next time!(嗯你是对的,下次我就告诉她。)


好的小朋友们,接下来请跟着小粉兔一起来复习“Don’t be afraid!”这个短语吧!(连读三遍)


慢读:Don’t be afraid! Don’t be afraid! Don’t be afraid!别害怕!


快读:Don’t be afraid! Don’t be afraid! Don’t be afraid!别害怕!



