第四十集 It's weird!

第四十集 It's weird!





第四十集 It’s weird !(和《小粉兔历险记》第159集联动)


小朋友们大家好,我是开源老师,英语“It’s weird!”就是“太奇怪了!”的意思。现在就请大家听一听小粉兔和朋友之间有趣的对话吧。


花皮虎:Little pink rabbit, little green turtle hasn’t shown up in the class. (小粉兔,小绿龟现在还没有在教室里出现。)

小粉兔:It’s weird! He was never late for school!(太奇怪了!他以前上学从来不迟到的。)

花皮虎:Yeah, it’s really weird!(是呀,真是太奇怪了。)


黑心三郎:Little silver fox, take little red fox and return to the happy forest.(小银狐,带上小红狐狸返回快乐森林吧。)

小银狐:It’s weird! Don’t you want to kill me?(太奇怪了,你难道不想杀我吗!)

黑心三郎:Such a fool! I would never kill you!(真是个笨蛋,我永远也不会杀你的!)


小猴子:Little pink rabbit, it rains cats and dogs out there! We are gonna be late for school!(小粉兔,外面雨吓得太大了,我们上学要迟到了!)

小粉兔:It’s so weird! Five minutes ago, it was sunny out there!(这简直太奇怪了!五分钟之前外面还阳光明媚!)

小猴子:Well, it happens!(没办法,这就是生活!)




花皮虎:Little pink rabbit, little green turtle hasn’t shown up in the class. (小粉兔,小绿龟现在还没有在教室里出现。)

小粉兔:It’s weird! He was never late for school!(太奇怪了!他以前上学从来不迟到的。)

花皮虎:Yeah, it’s really weird!(是呀,真是太奇怪了。)


黑心三郎:Little silver fox, take little red fox and return to the happy forest.(小银狐,带上小红狐狸返回快乐森林吧。)

小银狐:It’s weird! Don’t you want to kill me?(太奇怪了,你难道不想杀我吗!)

黑心三郎:Such a fool! I would never kill you!(真是个笨蛋,我永远也不会杀你的!)


小猴子:Little pink rabbit, it rains cats and dogs out there! We are gonna be late for school!(小粉兔,外面雨吓得太大了,我们上学要迟到了!)

小粉兔:It’s so weird! Five minutes ago, it was sunny out there!(这简直太奇怪了!五分钟之前外面还阳光明媚!)

小猴子:Well, it happens!(没办法,这就是生活!)


好的小朋友们,接下来请跟着小粉兔一起来复习“It’s weird!”这个短语吧!(连读三遍)


慢读:It’s weird! It’s weird! It’s weird!太奇怪了!


快读:It’s weird! It’s weird! It’s weird!太奇怪了!



  • 听友218732051


    开源老师 回复 @听友218732051:

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