第四十二集 That's the spirit!

第四十二集 That's the spirit!





第四十二集 That’s the spirit!(和《小粉兔历险记》第164集联动)


小朋友们大家好,我是开源老师,英语“That’s the spirit!”就是“这就对了”的意思。一般用来鼓励他人。现在就请大家听一听小粉兔和朋友之间有趣的对话吧。


花皮虎:Little pink rabbit, my speaking English is still a pain in the neck! (小粉兔,我的英语口语始终无法提高!)

小粉兔:Come on, don’t give up! Just keep practising!(加油,别放弃,继续保持练习!)

花皮虎:Yeah, let’s do it again!(好,让我们再来一遍!)

小粉兔:That’s the spirit!(这就对了!)


小银狐:Little pink rabbit , I will leave Happy forest with my kin.(小粉兔,我会和族人们一起离开快乐森林的。)

小粉兔:Come on! You still have a chance to stay here.(加油,你们还有机会留在这里的!)

小银狐:Yeah, I suppose you are right. I will figure something out!(没错,我觉得你说的对,我会好好想办法的!)

小粉兔:That’s the spirit!(这就对了!)


小猴子:Little pink rabbit, I don’t think I could learn how to swim.(小粉兔,我举得我不可能学会游泳的?)

小粉兔:Come on! Pull yourself together!(加油!振作起来!)

小猴子:Thank you. I will try.(谢谢你,我会继续尝试的。)

小粉兔:That’s the spirit!(这就对了!)




花皮虎:Little pink rabbit, my speaking English is still a pain in the neck! (小粉兔,我的英语口语始终无法提高!)

小粉兔:Come on, don’t give up! Just keep practising!(加油,别放弃,继续保持练习!)

花皮虎:Yeah, let’s do it again!(好,让我们再来一遍!)

小粉兔:That’s the spirit!(这就对了!)


小银狐:Little pink rabbit , I will leave Happy forest with my kin.(小粉兔,我会和族人们一起离开快乐森林的。)

小粉兔:Come on! You still have a chance to stay here.(加油,你们还有机会留在这里的!)

小银狐:Yeah, I suppose you are right. I will figure something out!(没错,我觉得你说的对,我会好好想办法的!)

小粉兔:That’s the spirit!(这就对了!)


小猴子:Little pink rabbit, I don’t think I could learn how to swim.(小粉兔,我举得我不可能学会游泳的?)

小粉兔:Come on! Pull yourself together!(加油!振作起来!)

小猴子:Thank you. I will try.(谢谢你,我会继续尝试的。)

小粉兔:That’s the spirit!(这就对了!)


好的小朋友们,接下来请跟着小粉兔一起来复习“That’s the spirit!”这个短语吧!(连读三遍)


慢读:That’s the spirit! That’s the spirit! That’s the spirit!这就对了!


快读:That’s the spirit! That’s the spirit! That’s the spirit!这就对了!




  • 开源老师
