【发刊词原声】Dr.Shahar:Welcome to The Happiness Journey course

【发刊词原声】Dr.Shahar:Welcome to The Happiness Journey course


Hello,my name is Tal Ben-Shahar. I’m a teacher and student of Happiness. I createdthe Happiness Journey Course in order to help you become happier, and in orderto help you help others become happier. Why is happiness so important? Well,the first thing is that it feels Good to feel good. We all want to be happy inour lives. We all want to lead a more meaningful and fulfilling existence. Wealso want those we love, those We care about to be happier.


There’sanother reason why happiness is important, beyond the fact that it feels goodto feel good, and that is that happiness contributes to success. You see,there’s an common misconception today that success leads to happiness. In otherwords, if we get a promotion at work or if we achieve a goal that we setourselves, we will become happier. Well, that’s true but only in parts. Yes itwill lead to more happiness, but only in the short-term. Very quickly after weexperience the high, we go back to where we were before. The path to happinessis not through success.


Nowdoes this mean that there’s no relationship between success and happiness? No,there is , and a very strong relationship, but it’s not that success leads tohappiness, but rather the opposite. Happiness leads to success. If you increaselevels of well-being, even by a little bit, you will enjoy more creativity andinnovation. you will enjoy better relationships at work and at home. You willbe more engaged, more productive, more successful overall.


TheHappiness Journey Course is about increasing your levels of happiness. It’s abouthelping you increase your levels of well-being, so that you can lead a morefull and fulfilling life, a more meaningful life, so that you can become moresuccessful, whether it’s at home , in your relationships, whether it’s at work.


TheHappiness Journey Course will provide you some of the latest research in thefield of happiness, but more than research. It will provide you with tools,with techniques, with things that you can actually do day in and day out, sothat you can become more productive, more creative, more successful, so thatyou can fulfill your potential.


  • 粒粒_S


    F娘娘子 回复 @粒粒_S: 我也是,那一年2010年,我学了一个月,记笔记,寻找自我!

  • 匀兮溜溜


  • 阿呆喵MangoNo4

    哇 tal老师声音还是这么温柔好听

  • 度假风


  • Maybe_Willow


  • 花之悦音
