英文演讲:The Process Of Freedom

英文演讲:The Process Of Freedom


Hegel said that history is the process of freedom realizing itself. Assuming you’re in the western world, then you currently live in the most free and tolerant society that has ever existed. There is less racism and sexism than at any other time in history. The world has more economic mobility than ever, and traveling across borders is easier now than ever. 


You may be unhappy with your love life, but just a few generations ago, casual dating was an impossibility, contraception was a rarity, and you could be disowned by your family for fooling around with the wrong person. A few generations before that, you likely never went to school with someone of the opposite gender and your parents chose who you married. In some countries and regions, you could have been killed for sleeping with or even flirting with the wrong person. 


Your family may frustrate you, but over 1/3 of the world’s population has only one parent and 143 million children are growing up with no parents at all. 


